
Yup it was somewhere around 1999-2001

Vaccines don’t cause autism. Shit like this does.

that’s ok, I’ll send you a disguised link on AIM

The mention of Goatse and Tubgirl was enough to keep me away.

“Ladies and gentlemen, DJ Khaled... who doesn’t eat pussy.” - Paul Rudd, who most likely does

In the first game it actually helped Altair blend in with the scholars that would roam around cities. After that it was just their schtick.

I definitely got in school suspension for entering the boy’s bathroom after school hours when no one was around. These boys should be at a minimum suspended for intentionally invading the privacy of other students, not even considering the implicit threats.

I was in a co-ed frat in college (meaning it started as a frat, but all genders are welcome) and our second-story bathroom had two toilets and two shower stalls. Both genders used it, often at the same time (that’s where the stalls came in handy).

I’ve never truly understood why anyone has a problem with someone of any other gender, trans or otherwise, using the same bathroom. Someone has taught these little monsters to think that way. If I’m taking a piss at a urinal, and a woman came in to use the bathroom, why should I give a damn? She’s in a stall. I’m not

A response from a gentleman? On the internet? My eyes! They burn! I kind of disagree with you here, Dan. A lie by omission is still a lie. Consider : When learning about a potential partners life a person might consider a 3 year affair with a married person a dealbreaker ( I would. Been on the receiving end of that

I would actually block someone for replying with what Dan said

Stop, and read that again. Slowly.

Good week, with Dan giving solid advice to all comers. I do think, however, that in his enthusiasm to tell SAAD what a piece of shit he is (and make no mistake, SAAD’s a judgmental creeper who violated his partner’s privacy, and his former partner is better off without him) he let SAAD’s girlfriend off a little easy,

Yup. And that was incredibly validating!

What kind of protest were these kids pushing with this? Were they trans women who were upset about not being able to use the girls room?

Back when I was in High School (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) I joined an after school computer club so I could learn BASIC on a super cool Apple ][

Have we ever stopped to consider the problem might just be cishet males? Just in general? Maybe they are the ones who need controls put on them? At least until the little snowflakes learn to stop being so fucking fragile.

We don’t advocate violence as a means for students to attain safety.

And I bet those are the same fuck-wads who would question whether or not the girl fought back if she were sexually assaulted. I would sue the living shit out of that school.