Jesus, the trailer is only two and a half minutes long.
Jesus, the trailer is only two and a half minutes long.
“and some of them—like Arkansas’ Mason Hargett, a regular country lawyer in his blue blazer and plaid bow tie—defy all expectations of what a satanist looks like.”
I don’t get what people have against Hercule Satan, World Martial Arts Champion and Savior of Earth.
The Sabrina crew make an -exact copy- of a copyrighted statue. That’s a no-no.
I’m hoping it escalates and every US gov. building winds up with like, a dozen weird-ass statues out front.
I’m torn, on the one hand I like statues, and lots and lots of statues, and I like this statue. On the other hand, I still don’t want monuments to the 10 commandments in front of public buildings. :(
Dressing goth and claiming Satan as your mascot is probably not the best argument for freedom from religion.
That first bit sounded pretty hot though...
Is this what the kids call virtue signaling? I’m old.
Tim was being extremely unprofessional that week. He should have recused himself from reviewing Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four, just as Gregg recused himself from Ant-Man.
While I am sensitive to your concerns Paul Rudd played a criminal so it stands to reason his mates are too. Would you have preferred that the role was recast as yet another white boy? Also I don’t recall Luis’s entire family being criminals.
“I want nothin’ to do with you. Look at my hairdo, I’m all business!”
Luis’ riff about Hope’s hair in the first movie is the highlight of the sequel’s “babbling Luis” sequence.
Now THAT is a Blu-Ray extra that Kang would shell out for.
Thank you Gwen for not being Sam Fucking Barsanti
I’m going to be Debbie-Downer and say that... drum roll please... Korg is amusing at first, but quickly becomes incredibly one-note, and emblematic of Ragnarok’s biggest problem, namely that it never knows when to leave well enough alone, and consistently undercuts any moments of actual pathos or character development…
Nadia is really a comic book counterpart to Hope only in the sense that with the movie out somebody at Marvel said that they should introduce a younger Wasp with a vaguely similar haircut.
Also not in Wright’s draft: Hope. Or any female characters, apparently.
I’d love to see the breakdown of what parts of the original movie were Wright vs. Reed. The briefcase fight is something I was positive Edgar Wright would have had in his draft, but apparently not.
Thank you, Gwen! Glad to see this series return to the positives instead of “moments that were bad about this movie”
I was one who was severely bummed when this movie lost Wright but found myself surprised by how enjoyable it turned out under Reed. The final battle on the train set of a little girl remains one of my…