
Conservatives have this bizarre fascination with thinking that people can’t be poor because they have something that’s nice. People on welfare can’t really be poor if they have cell phones or refrigerators. That kind of shit. Like, maybe she bought it a long time ago? Maybe someone gave it to her? Maybe she just takes

1. Does he even know what a bunion sorry, ‘bunyon’ is?

These are people who think you need voter ID to buy cereal.

There’s this thing called an expected standard of dress. Anyone who’s worked in a job that required more than “business casual” knows that fancy clothes are often a necessity to be taken seriously, and nowhere is that more true than in high-end public service... like politics. Those kinds of clothing expenses become

I feel like this “liberal elitists out of touch with the common person” angle is just a projection and they don’t actually know what one can afford on a modest salary.

Celebrities, they’re just like us!

“from the imagination of Tim Burton” stopped being a selling point 20 years ago

Yeah, seriously. I’ve literally never heard of such a thing. I can’t even find a code of conduct policy for any of the malls near me. Maybe it’s a Simon Malls thing, but yeah, news to me.

I wonder if this will be admitted as evidence to the court when the black shoppers sue the shit out of the mall. If I was their lawyer, I’d include it, because part of what you can use to prove discrimination is disparate treatment, it helps you if you can show a specific example or examples of someone getting better

Did they ever say that?

The difference between pawnee and real life is that pawnee is funny while real life is sad.

I’ve never even heard of a fucking dress code at a mall. 

Can I just say that until I started working in the public sector I would never have thought that the Pawnee Crackpot Conventions would somehow be more polite and rational than in real life.

Good for them. This is a way to use your whiteness in a positive manner and how to be a good ally. If you see injustice, speak out. I know everyone on here know about the unequal enforcement of rules, but these ladies’ families and Facebook friends need to be shown “proof” of this treatment. Now comes the part of not

I keep telling you, he’s 88 years old and he’s dead!

Davis spends a good portion of her screentime carrying around a fluffy pet pooch, a living symbol of the creature comforts she clings to as her old life crumbles”

“I can barely see Chris Pine’s penis on my iPhone X!”

I’m not normally one for conspiracy theories, but between this and the Twitter blackout, seems like Fox is doing their best to get some distance from Trump.

This. They don’t want a future Democrat President kicking them to the curb and having precedent for it

I’ll be damned before I start drinking a pre-approved serving size of alcohol at a time.