It’s literally a screenshot of a Raimi suit from the PS4 Spiderman game, lmao.
It’s literally a screenshot of a Raimi suit from the PS4 Spiderman game, lmao.
I mean, I’m down for that.
I eventually bailed on this show, but that Las Vegas ep was def by far the best episode I watched before stopping. Is this one even close to that? Also holy shit, I didn’t think it’d been so long since I’d watched, but I didn’t recognize Luke up in the header image at all.
God, that last one reminds me so much of an ex of mine. We met online, moved in together to attend the same college, and then he immediately became an asshole to me while stuck with him as a roommate. He spent the whole year mooning after this straight guy he became friends with and then at the end of the year the…
I was actually fairly pleasantly surprised at this episode, and gave me a little more hope for next season. I think I remember reading that season 2 has a writer’s room instead of just Jack Thorne writing all the episodes, which that alone will hopefully up the quality. Dafne Keen also totally stepped up to the…
I think she’s been confirmed to be in it? It would be a huge mistake to cut her. But you are right, no casting announced, which is killing me. Extremely curious to see what the mulefa end up looking like.
What China market? This movie is coming in so poorly there that the forecast opening weekend is now looking to be its lifetime total. TFA did fairly decent, each subsequent SW film has fallen off a cliff from the previous one (this is projected to make slightly more than Solo, but still sub 20m).
Not sure about the unzipping thing, but I do know that there are human/mice hybrids played by children, and the cockroach thing is also real (and apparently she eats a few of them too?)
Is there something that Joel is in that’s good? My only real experience with him was on a Drag Race podcast he did with Nicole Byer that he was absolutely LOATHESOME on. It’s like he decided on a shtick to adopt for it and never course corrected how off putting it ended up being (this was a hugely common complaint in…
Dang, he was one of the very few things that interested me in this show.
Just gonna say that that costume is godawful.
I was wondering if it felt rushed, considering they waited until seemingly the last possible second to actually start filming it earlier this year. I kept being convinced they were going to have to push back the release date.
I actually enjoyed this one a bunch more than most. I think last week’s disappointment in how they handled Billy’s discovery finally let me get over being disappointed and I just enjoyed it for what it was or something. I definitely appreciated the pointed out issues, but I think because this episode actually had…
To be completely fair, I think I remember that intercision affects adults and children differently, which is the difference in the nurses vs the children.
Quite literally dumped, STX spent basically nothing on promo and gave this 5 dollar ticket thing a try to see if it would work. Considering that its on track to make under 1 mil on its opening week, NOPE! $71 dollar per THEATER average, 167k opening day.
That’s actually a great point. The China grosses are an absolute pittance for this IP compared to just about everything else Disney releases, and only keep getting worse with each release.
There’s just been such a lack of connection between people and their daemons shown. Lyra should have been hugging the shit out of Pan after finding Billy.
Chalk me up as another one who is very disappointed about the lack of fish. Jack Thorne mentioned on twitter that they shot it with the fish, but said it didn’t work. Personally, I feel like if it didn’t work its not because it can’t work, but because he as a showrunner is not rising to the challenge. The scene ended…
I was laughing until I was suddenly in 10th grade again and waiting to see if I had made first chair clarinet in wind ensemble again.
Definitely agree. 2009 was so good and then his mashups have just been getting worse to me ever since.