
Hit the nail on the head here.

Alternate headline:

Oceans were smaller back then.

I think it’s more than fair when you add the amount of insult to that injury.

You think it’s bad now, just wait.

This perfectly sums up our healthcare system.

Just like last time!


The most ironic part is that all of the major financial metrics are pretty much back to normal. YOY wages have grown 4% while inflation is back to it’s target 2.5%, which means buying power is growing and prices are getting more affordable. Unemployment is also down to it’s normal range. The stock market has been

I was thinking that last night!
If gas goes up to $6.00/gal, they’ll just switch in their brain like 1984, “Well Elon said we had to go through hard times first, before Nirvana!”
While the lifted truck crowd was literally crying about $3.00 gas as early as 48hrs ago.

LOL, they will not be happy with it, but they will 100% just blame someone else. The democrats, the automakers, the “overpaid” union workers (who they’re supposed to be supporting with the tariffs, right?)

I feel like they’d chalk it up as “a price I’m happily willing to pay to protect my freedumbs” or some dumb shit like that.

Jimmy Kimmel summed it up neatly:

They tried to repeal Obamacare, McCain saved it.

I too feel as though I got rear-ended by the government just last night.

Has control of the house, senate, and presidency:

They will just double down, somehow still manage to blame “the radical left”, and their followers will just eat it up.  :-/

now realize that they’re going to own the blame for whatever harm they do

Not to mention that half of the cars at sideshows are stolen anyway.

This is something that happened fifty years ago and likely would not have been a popular topic of conversation around the Presley family. Everyone directly involved in the scam is now dead. I think it likely the current staff of Graceland simply didn’t want some YouTube influencer and a huge crap-laden flatbed semi