

The wealth gap is becoming untenable and it’s pretty clear at this point that the government isn’t going to do shit to help anyone but those most wealthy become even more wealthy at the expense of everyone else. If this country is going to survive, it’s going to be on the backs of workers unions clawing back what they

In my profession , any hole over 6" deep needs flagging, over 18" needs a taped perimeter, and over 36" needs a fixed barricade. Excavations over 4' have stepping requirements to prevent/mitigate cave-ins.

I with Musk channeled his energy into continued innovations instead of being a feckless troll. I know he can do both. But I wish he didn't acquire Twitter and feed the horde. 

Lol I live in Irvine and cops are itching to give tickets. We have motorcycle cops waiting in my neighborhood for school to let out so they can give tickets to kids for riding skateboards without helmets en mass 

This thing is so hideous that it’s the only Hummer competitor that I’ve ever viewed as the inferior option. I saw a Hummer EV at the convenience store and thought “at least dude didn’t waste his money on a Cybertruck”.

One of the first lessons I learned about customer service, at age 15, was to assume every customer would rat out bad service, thereby hurting the company and its product. I guess Musk hasn't learned that lesson, or doesn't care.

It is pointless to pay any attention to 99% of the negative comments which are made by people who do not own, never seen, & never driven a Cybertruck or any Tesla for that matter. These people all share a common dislike (and that’s being nice) of Elon Musk, Tesla, all EV’s, and pretty much anything new & progressive

FFS, let’s start with your assertion on the Model S. I have one. A Plaid. It sucks. It’s uncomfortable, the seats are hard and sweaty. The visibility is nil and the steering wheel started peeling in 3 months. If it weren’t for the crap residual value, it would’ve been ditched quickly. Porsche or Mercedes next.

Absolutely crazy that part of their review (around 8:00) is “It’s very poorly made, but if another car company made it, they would probably do a bad job too.”

“It’s terrible because of the entire premise, not just because of execution.” as a positive?!

The problem is not that the Cybertruck is engineered so much better than it is actually screwed together; the problem is not that the CEO of the company is something of an insufferable dickhead; the problem is not that the Cybertruck is, subjectively speaking, hideous to a majority of people; the PROBLEM is that Tesla

Most of them these days probably buy the digital subscription and read those reviews (and watch the videos) online...

I mean, they aren’t old, they’re just folks who buy the issue about cars every time they buy a new car to make sure the car they’re looking at doesn’t have some gigantic red flags. In other words, normal, non-chronically online people.

Absolutely. Some of the lobotomies weren’t recent.

Makes me think of the Park Tavern accident in St Louis Park not too long ago. I haven’t heard what the cause of the accident was (alcohol, medical event, etc.), but two people were killed, four were injured, and the restaurant’s patio was heavily damaged. The six hit were all in the outdoor patio. I believe one of

Trump and his minions really want their Forth Reich here in America. If he manages to block the certification of certain states and gets back into power, I’m willing to bet that the US will be at war with Mexico by the end of his term...

Unfortunately I have a good understanding of what the workers for White Nationalist Motors are experiencing. Years ago I had to work under a machinist who on the first day said “I don’t like your kind”. Being of obvious mixed European / Native Ancestry I trigger racists simply by existing. When I was listing to audio

Hmm, coincidence?:

I see shit like this and the message it gives me is that Toyota, Ford, and others who have backed down from their stances over LGBT rights cares about getting the business from a select few bigots. Way to go.

As far as Toyota sales... Purely anecdotal... I saw a BRAND NEW Tacoma, broken down on the side of the freeway

Kind of a disservice to the man to gloss over Cincinnati Microwave. He started that company to build the original Escort raider detector and basically revolutionized the product. Escort was the leading radar detector for a decade before he was pushed out of the company by the board who wanted to make it cheaper