
What strike?

Also, for anyone that might think that CR has something against Tesla, they recommend both the Y and the 3. They would recommend the S if it was more reliable. Not sure about the X, there were several things they didn’t like about it.

Curry Ketchup is specifically for Curry Wurst, although I use it for a lot of things. It is both sweeter and spicier than American ketchup.

We just had someone killed at a local restaurant that way. Went through the front and killed a regular. Killed a person, and taking the living away from several employees as the restaurant will be closed for months apparently. Have no idea how that turned out for her. She wasn’t identified or injured and claimed the

People will ignore those as well, at least were I live.

And when has Trump ever lied?


Statistically, of course.

These surveys only give odds, it doesn’t mean yours will be unreliable. Same the other way, not all Toyotas are reliable, but most are.

Most Mazdas are pretty reliable.

Not really. My guess is none of those had enough surveys to be statististally useful.

Probably not enough surveys to be statistically reliable.

I admit I was surprised Mercedes wasn’t on the list, but BMW has really upped it’s reliability in the last several years. 

Sure. If you pony up the cash for their website, you can actually dig deeper. While they give a generic overall score, you can still aim for what you want. My take is something has to start out with solid reliability before I will even consider them, but still leaves a wealth of choices.

On my car, there’s a slight stop before it engages. It’s not that hard to overshoot it, but overall I like the feature, and I MOSTLY have control over it.

I already do, so might as well make it useful.

Yeah, Huntington Beach vs OKC isn’t even a choice.

If I lived in Newport Beach, I wouldn’t want to move to Seattle either.

And yes, I know a joke that has to be explained isn’t a joke, but it hasn’t stopped me in the past.

Should have been blasting the Oscar Mayer theme.