Today’s comment section brought to you by OK Boomer.
Today’s comment section brought to you by OK Boomer.
For people that whinge about CRs reliability ratings, please watch this so you can whine with actual facts instead of the typical made up crap CR haters spew.
There are two “green” bubbles. The one with one carat just means above average. The one with two carats means well above average, aka Camry. The 4 was only above average not well above average. You don’t even know how to read the charts.
Those are outdated surveys. I checked the BMW ones, not the Toyota ones, and in general the 3 hovers around average slowly getting better until 22, when it takes a terrible dive the last two years. The 4 either doesn’t have enough data, or is better than average depending on the year. They never claim the 4 is the…
Common lie told about CR’s reliability ratings. They do weight things by severity, but keep the stories coming.
Let’s be honest, most of those people only came to a full stop because of the flash from the camera. That’s certainly what I mostly saw going by the camera flash, someone sliding through a right turn on red and slamming their brakes on when the camera flashed.
Around where I live, I’m guessing most of the red light tickets were for people not coming to a full stop right on red. Most of the time I saw the light flash, that’s what was happening.
I can’t remember the last time I saw one, but they used to regularly do drunk driving checks around here in North County.
I actually stopped riding my bike places when we moved here over forty years ago. My dad rode his bike to work for decades, about five miles, I’m still amazed he never got hit.
Aren’t these the same people who get killed going around gates at the railroad crossings of Brightline trains?
More than one thing can be true. Those facts don’t conflict with each other.
Blah, blah, blah. KC and STL are two blue spots in an otherwise MAGA shithole state.
Missouri DOES have a law against texting, it’s part of a law generally prohibiting using electronic devices while driving. It’s about a year and a half old, and they won’t actually start writing tickets for it until January.
If the lights weren’t so poorly programmed, fewer people would run them. There is no excuse for a protected left turn at 3am. The lights where I live constantly cycle all night long even though they have sensors, and constantly waste the time of people on the main streets as they let tons of ghost cars across on the…
Out in the country, sure. KC and STL are more moderate.
Missouri.... At least in the St. Louis area doesn’t enforce the laws already on the books.
They probably don’t have enough data on Vinfast.
I have no idea if it’s np or not, but I considered the TR7 one of the best looking cars I saw when growing up. A yellow coupe is just a sweet looking car.
And I’m sure you can back up your “expert” opinion.
Gotta pay for those warranty claims somehow.