
I agree that Steam is wildly inconsistent with their stance on allowing pretty much anything on their platform, but at least they allow some of the stuff they do. The console manufacturers have some pretty strict rules on what is and isn’t allowed, as do some of your digital marketplaces on PC, but at least Steam

Honestly, I think the scalpers should shoulder most of the blame. As mentioned in the article, there’s always a supply shortage when a new console launches, but the demand is normally not that far outside of the supply range. With scalpers buying up all the stock online to make them available to the masses... online

Me: If we’re not dwelling on the past, why is the Confederate flag still a thing?

Given that there was a moment in American history where there were rules to determine whether someone was classified as black just to make sure that no black people were sneakily getting the same rights as white people, its funny/sad that we’re now doing the same thing in reverse by declaring people aren’t black

She showed how to earn 500,000 yen. If he takes that lesson to heart, he only needs to convince two people purchase investment advice from him to double his initial investment.

Good. I’ll be able to find a PS5 once the scalpers start hoarding the new Switch.

Today I learned that Zynga still exists and apparently has enough money to buy a game studio.

That echoes my own concerns about Epic. Competition is generally good, as it promotes innovation and the consumer will typically see some benefit from the company trying to win them over. But like your Netflix example, they aren’t really bringing anything new to the table.

Why is it always the Democrats targeting violent video games? I get why a Republican would, since they’re always quick to shift the blame, but you’d think the Democrats would aim more for the source of violence than some fantasy connection to the violence.

Can we all just agree that:

If her kids were on a Zoom session and you could see her filming her OnlyFans content in the background, then maybe I can understand. If she had her kids walking around school advertising her channel, sure that’s an issue. But punishing the kids for something the mom does with consenting adults that was (presumably)

Perhaps we’re just getting a summarized version, but based on the account, they didn’t ask why he was walking in the middle of the road. They didn’t ask if he needed a ride home. They didn’t ask how old he was or where he worked (why those things would even matter is beyond me). It sounds like they had multiple

The move is in response to a class-action lawsuit in the Superior Court of North Carolina, which is not yet officially settled, The Verge reported.

Now playing

Wait, you mean this isn’t the alternate ending?

Wow, so not only did he abandon his constituents to freeze and die on his watch, but he’s ferrying his family off on a spur of the moment Cancun vacation in the middle of a pandemic while a not small number of Americans are worrying about how they’ll even survive.

I agree. I’m still enjoying the game, but while the slight change in gameplay is welcome, I’m not a big fan of most of the new cast. I’d like to throw the Japanophile into the volcano and since everything is done with doubles now, I’d toss the brain-dead, crackhead stripper in with her.

In general, I don’t celebrate when someone dies, but I sure as hell am not sad that he’s gone. The only positive impact he’ll have on this planet is feeding whatever organism feeds on his bloated corpse.

I know in cases like this, there’s a lot of moving parts involved that would all have to align to make this work. The creator has a game they want to make, the publisher has its own criteria that it has to meet, the licensor has their own expectations, and all the lawyers involved have their own lines they aren’t

Doesn’t Android allow that though? I’ve used Android devices that have allowed Google Play, Amazon, or whatever other marketplace you would want. Which seems beside the point since what’s written here is saying they are specifically targeting the iTunes and Google Play stores for taking a cut from sales on those

When Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Lego Marvel Superheroes exist, its hard to believe they can botch the game that badly.