
I don’t understand the argument here (I mean, I get that its ultimately greed). Epic is pissed that Apple and/or Google didn’t allow them to introduce their own marketplace within Apple/Google’s store? Isn’t that kind of like me suing Best Buy for not allowing me to open my own lemonade stand in their store? Or for

I’ve heard of it. But a spiritual successor to L4D, even if made by the original team, does not negate the argument that Valve has shown no interest in continuing the L4D franchise.

Seeing that Valve appears to have no interest in exploring this franchise further, might as well start dreaming up new characters, scenarios, and locales.

I think the problem is less that they cribbed a pretty generic female soldier, and more that they sought out to get the exact same model, the exact same gear, the exact same look as the one he had created. Inspiration or influence from other sources is part of the creative process, but there is a line between ‘inspired

Well, shame that Randy’s sticking around. At least they weren’t bought by Epic though.

Their new format is scandals and animals.

If he was speaking about the struggles of poor people based on him just having his finger on the pulse of Redditors, then I’d say even despite his wealth, he may at least be speaking with some (indirect) knowledge. And I don’t know Mr Reddit’s life story, so maybe he didn’t always have millions of dollars in the bank.

If the global economy can be crippled by a bunch of folks on Reddit with some disposable income, that says more about our global economy than anything else.

Here’s a thought: all big-budget games based on big-budget properties should go the generic face route. This allows a game franchise to become a franchise since there’s no licensing issues (outside of the original property license) and makes it easier to rerelease the game down the road since it’s just a matter of

Konami may still make games, but I think their time as a AAA developer is over. It’s easier (and probably cheaper) to make sports games, pachinko machines, or mobile games than to produce another entry in the Metal Gear Solid series.

Presumably, PES could just be cranked out annually with roster updates and some gameplay tweaks, much like any other sports game. Konami likely keeps making the game because there is a loyal fanbase that buys them and they don’t really have to invest a lot of resources into new entries in the franchise.

And now they can never beat the Wall of Flesh and transition into Hard Mode because the Wyvern would slaughter their NPCs.

I find the phrasing “without any obligatory overtime” troubling. I’ve read a lot about these companies not explicitly stating that you had to work late to get the game out, but that you find yourself feeling compelled to because no one wants to be the one going home while everyone else slaves away.

it’s one thing to oppose us, it’s another thing not to give us a fair opportunity to contest it

I’m all for having options, but at the same time, that’s a heck of a lot of batteries being tossed out when rechargeable would cut down on waste.

Is it really “free” if you have to:

Sorry to get your hopes up, but to the best of my knowledge, there is no upcoming release. I was using it as an example of a game in the past that was removed from the digital storefront because it could only be released for a limited time due to licensing between Marvel and Konami.

I get why the Scott Pilgrim game or the X-Men arcade game are only available on a digital store front for a limited time. Those are either based on licenses with set end dates or ownership is split between partners that require the universe to align just right to make happen again. But when you sell your own licensed

To be fair, if you look at all the content they have added to GTA online previously, it’s not unreasonable for fans to assume that there’d be more to the island than just the heist. After all, when they added the casino heist, it came with a functional casino. Considering a whole friggin’ island is much larger than

That’s not even the reason, at least not initially. There was no add-on money to be had from GTA3 and the games from that era. Same for GTA4 and it’s tacked on games. GTA5 is where they put in the microtransactions, and that seems to be more at Take Two’s behest than Rockstar’s specifically.