Shane MacGowan's Teeth

This is why we read Deadspin.

I will say, the anchors in this case caught it quicker than I'd have expected. I'd really like to see what would have happened if they had read the four fake pilot names, realizing quickly what was happening in real time.

Similar to how police officers get sprayed with mace during training so they know how to use it responsibly, Comcast wants its anchors to know what it's like for customers dealing with Comcast so it fucks them with a grizzly bear dick.

Captain Sum Ting Wong certainly approves

On 2nd thought, Bill-E-Goat was probably not the smartest idea for a mascot......

In case anybody thought he didn't deserve horrible things done to him.

Maybe we should elect him mayor.

Simpsons did it!

But it's already in a Cubs jersey.

Sorry Drew, but this is bullshit. Have you even tried to find a fax machine in the last three years, much less try to fucking send one?

That Coke machine is too far away. The drop zone should be much closer to the drink.