Shane MacGowan's Teeth

Whatchamacallit, Mr. Goodbar, Almond Joy each deserve higher rankings. Outside of that, you've constructed a damn fine list, sir.

Butthurt much?

This is also the same guy who had already reinvented himself as a right-wing "U-S-A! U-S-A!, Don't-tread-on-me!" asshole. You'd think he'd know the words, since he loves America so much.

I could see this being an accident, but it would have to be a perfect storm of circumstances (identical undated generic file names, the designer simply searching the system for the file name instead of going directly to the correct). Maybe the designer put an old stock photo in as a placeholder to get a feel for his


Wherever he was going, he evidently didn't *quite* have the distance.

Fuck Tom Ley

In this universe, homosexual rape and harassment do occur, only to a lesser extent because homosexuals make up a small portion of the population. Dismissing at as irrelevant because it is not common insults the victims, and ignores very premise of civil rights. Just because it isn't something every demographic,

So by your logic, Tom, women should be completely comfortable being naked in front of men?

You're really comparing driving a 3,400-pound car at speeds up to 200 miles/hour for 3 hours in what often amounts to bumper-to-bumper interstate traffic with a small plastic tube connected to your helmet for AC in the heat of mid-summer days, all while enduring the levels of G forces experienced in space shuttle

How exactly is it clear Stewart accelerated? His car was in the frame for like .3 seconds before hitting the guy. Impossible to tell if he accelerated in that short span.

Seriously, troll, you're railing on what's likely some blue-collar racing fan's internet commenting etiquette. Could you read it? Did you understand the information? If yes, then STFU.

"25 or 6 to 4"? Try 82.

Wait ... AJ Pierzynski is (was) still in the Major Leagues? He was old 10 years ago.

Terrible Summer Job 1: General Maintenance and Groundskeeping (Small Town, SC)
Honestly the work wasn't so bad. My high school football coach/AD paid me and a teammate (we had a good time because he was THAT friend — you know, the one who introduces you to cool shit like cigarettes and beer and pot) under the table

Fuck off, fun-sucker.

This is ridiculous. The Redskins will never be in another Super Bowl.

Thank you, Deadspin, for wasting four precious minutes of my life on this bullshit that I'll never get back.

Since we're assuming, we also have to assume that the NCAA tacitly endorses the kind of gruesome injuries that Kevin Ware and Marcus Lattimore suffered — you know, because there were replays shown of them. Dumbass.

About that ...