Shane MacGowan's Teeth

This is a good thing you have done here, sir.

I think what's being lost in all this is that Katherine Webb, despite her despondent "Oh, no, I just saw Brent Musburger coming" face in these photos, is still an absolute smokeshow.

Katherine Webb: [Sees Brent Musburger.]


But not Freddie Mitchell's hands. They've got nothing left to contribute.

Of all the flubs he points out, the one that bothers me least is taking plays off. We can see what's happening. Even your average dude sitting on a couch wearing a jersey with another man's name on it understands basic football. It's not like radio where you're depending on the crew to be your eyes.

  1. The photo mashups added an unwanted and unnecessary level of creepy to my day. They cannot be unseen.

Why are we questioning a woman taking off her clothes? This is a beautiful thing that should be celebrated and encouraged.

No. Drugs are illegal. People still abuse drugs. Etc.

You get it.

Wasn't trying to call you down. As an aside, the small school I attended in South Carolina had integrated fraternities and sororities. Anytime South Carolina is ahead of you in anything, you're doing it wrong.

If only guns were illegal.

It was at Alabama, not Auburn.

Did you miss the part about it's a joke?

Well, technically he's no longer in the NFL.

Meh … we've had balls between our legs.

The fuck is Spicoli's pizza from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High?"

Thank you for contributing some rational contrasting commentary to the marijuana discussion, instead of simply saying "Drugs are bad. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Pot is a gateway drug and evil."

Fuck Caillou with a rusty claw hammer.