Shane MacGowan's Teeth

Drew, you really mailed in this one. I pine for the days of your impeccable "Max & Ruby" dissection, which is the best goddamned thing that's ever been on Deadspin. Do better.

Yeah, but then you'd have to wear cargo shorts. You get the better end of the deal if you just suck it up and pay for the marked up booze. At least then you still have a shot at getting laid. Put on your best sixth-grade cargos, and your dick will be lonely.

I'll see your traveshamockery and raise you a burgaflickel. +1

It's Congressman Sanford. And I come to Deadspin to escape the depression of my idiotic, backward state's daily political follies, not to be reminded of them. I'll thank you to never mention that asshole's name again.

I laughed. +1

Never forget.

What's a fivehead?
More than a forehead.

Because, regardless of the finale's quality, the show as a whole was disliked (at least within my circles) far more than Seinfeld. People either loved Scrubs or abhorred it, the latter comprising the majority.

Back-to-back 11 win seasons. In the SEC. I'd take it.

Bob Wickman name drop. +1

Not that I'm supporting or justifying what is shown in the video, but traditionally, there was great risk and challenge involved in hunting elephants.

1. Browns

Trojan? Lifestyles? Durex? The fuck do you shop for cond — oh, my bad.

This passage from a March 27, 2011, Morris column, was close to the last straw in his career with The State. He got so much heat for this that's it's a wonder he wasn't let go then:

"… Spurrier poached [former S.C. head basketball coach Darrin] Horn’s program to get [Bruce] Ellington on the football field … In allowing

There's a way to accomplish that without being a complete sell-out. It's called building relationships by being fair, honest and professionally courteous — i.e., a good journalist. However, it also requires cooperation and understanding from your sources that you have a job to do, which — if you do said job well by

Excellent contribution to the conversation. Now, if you don't mind, adults are talking.

Those are Morris' opinions. The State hired him to write those opinions. The State, however, didn't become dissatisfied with him on its own. It caved to the pressure of the man whom Morris was criticizing. That's the bullshit of it all.

He's not a reporter. He's a columnist. Columnists criticize things that happen. Spurrier doesn't like criticism.

Fact: Spurrier makes more per year than the entire budgetary allotment of several U of S.C. satellite campuses.

I'm so jaded and cynical about baseball now that I can't even enjoy this. My first thought was, "Yeah, I bet he's on 'roids, too."