Shane MacGowan's Teeth

Not so random when you ocnsider that Garth Brooks, a Tulsa native, is arguably the most famous extant celebrity Oklahoma has ever known, followed by Ron Howard, Chuck Norris, Dr. Phil and Toby Keith. In that order.

Pain relievers allow one to perform as they normally would. A kinked neck is an extraordinary circumstance, not the everyday norm. Taking a pain med to overcome an extraordinary circumstance does not in turn make one extraordinarily effective; rather it allows them simply to perform as they would ordinarily perform.

This is Colt Ford (fat, no-talent ass clown of a redneck rapper). He is the worst Colt ever.

I, like so many others, clicked on this link simply to get a better look at that incredible ass. And I'm not ashamed.

"… [T]he bleach-blond mullet, the gravelly voice, the Diamond Cutter finishing move, the surpassing '90sness of it all."

DDP's walk-out music was an instrumental version of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (altered slightly to avoid paying rights fees, I'm sure). It doesn't get more 90's than Nirvana.

Not a bad way to spend a lunch break (reading this). Hell of a piece, Mr. Ley.

Wine snobs spit. Beer snobs swallow. You tell me who's the worst.

"Damnit, who typed a question mark on the teleprompter? For the last time, anything you put on that prompter, Burgundy will read!"

Exhibit A: Meth-mouth.

This is not "The Greatest Doink the Clown Story Ever." That honor belongs to the one emailed to Virgilbag about Doink having the shits at house show in Podunk and stiff-arming some autographing-seeking kid to the floor on his way to the crapper. That is the greatest Doink story ever told.