Having Giuliani hold a presser on the outskirts of town between an adult bookstore and a cremation center to lie, badly, about the election being stolen is a perfect capper for Trump and his campaign.
Having Giuliani hold a presser on the outskirts of town between an adult bookstore and a cremation center to lie, badly, about the election being stolen is a perfect capper for Trump and his campaign.
We’ll have plenty of time for navel gazing about what this, that or the other tidbit of information about the election means. We’ll have plenty of time to go after President Biden for his many failings, I’m sure. But today ... today I am just happy.
My fiancee sent me a picture of my 7 year-old daughter watching the Vice President-elect speak (I’m stuck at work). All of the feels in the universe.
I did not anticipate watching her take the stage meaning so much to me. Then I was crying. An actual fucking woman was making her VP victory speech. My DIL texted me that she was doing the same. This is the kind of me too we deserve. May there be many more.
And think of the twist ending! He despised Obama with every fiber of his soul. Becoming POTUS and destroying Obama’s legacy was his grand ambition made manifest. But who comes in and rips it all away from him? Obama’s VP!
Seen on the DC streets today:
lmao at this reply to Lou Dobbs who demands angry Trumpsters “surround” Philadelphia and exert a “demanding presence”
How the hell come these folks are suddenly “stunned” now, all of a sudden? He’s just being the self centered entitled manbaby he always is.
The stick up his ass is plenty stiff.
This is what happens when you continuously surround yourself with toadies and yes men, and watch a news channel that tailors it’s programming to you. You lose touch with reality.
That photoshop job has made my entire night. Thanks for reposting.
Well, If he wins AZ, NC, PA, and GA, then he gets to 270. Fortunately, it looks like he will only take NC. Seth Myers did a bit showing Trump supporters in PA are outside the polling centers chanting “Stop The Count” so that the mail in votes won’t tip it to Biden, and in AZ they are chanting “Count The Votes” so that…
Well, see, it adds up like this....Trump is a delusional lunatic.
As someone on Twitter pointed out, Supernatural going from "queerbaiting" directly to "bury your gays" is just so Supernatural.
I have no hard data to back this up, but I’d be willing to bet that 80-85% of the people that voted for Mitch McConnell have at one point complained that senators need term limits. And this 80-85% have voted Mitch into office for 35 years straight with no sense of irony.
Because hate gives people a community that expects nothing difficult of them. You don’t have to learn; you don’t have to change. You just say you don’t like something, or someone, and you’re in the club.