The dogs, sharing the couch we clearly bought for them.
The dogs, sharing the couch we clearly bought for them.
Agreed! I want that done in the first 100 days. If Texas and Florida do not go blue, we can give Texas back to Mexico, and Florida back to the sea. If we swap those out, we won’t even have to design a new flag lol
Joe and Kamala need to expand the Supreme Court
So, how long until blue states come to the realization that the Confedaracy did have one good idea and just give them what they wanted? Give the red states their preicous freedom, they can even keep the name to make it Great Again. And then the North should build the fucking wall they want so much, just much further…
Once in a while you’ll come across one yelling about how it’s “Black genocide!” and I just roll my eyes, because I *KNOW* these garbage people DGAF about Black babies or women.
Your comment made me realize that I’ve never actually seen a pro-life ad where the baby was anything but white
Let’s just be clear that this is all about white people *somehow* trying to play the numbers game and NOT become the minority in the US right around 2050. They care about the preservation of white babies, and that is it. Wrapping the abortion issue in “Christian values” just gets minorities that drank the patriarchal…
“Americans have the right to gather under the First Amendment to hear from the President of the United States,” said spokesperson Courtney Parella.
America: Powered by White Sexual Frustration since 1620.
Funny, they didn’t have anything to say when Crypt Keeper Barbie Kellyanne Conway showed up to the inauguration looking like the love child of Paddington Bear and Keith Richards in a $3,600 Gucci coat:
they’re pissed about her 14k borrowed outfit but not the 140 k everyone paid for that lousy fat fuck in the white house to play golf.
It really boils down to this: the Republican men want to fuck her, and the Republican women are mad that the Republican men want to fuck her
I can’t wait for some little accountant with coke-bottle glasses and a cheap briefcase comes out and says “And these are the unallowable campaign expenses Donald Trump charged to the US government. We accept checks and wire transfers. You have two weeks.”
From that Axios interview with Ted Cruz:
All Republicans know how to do is hurt people and cheat
Obama was in Florida today, courting that senior vote. But he took the gloves off and laid the Big Hand on both Ivanka’s beard and his dumbass father-in-law: taking them to task for the “black people have to want to be successful” comment and the comparisons to Lincoln, respectively. The latter is another one of…
I had a brain damaged dog named Kayleigh. She was dumb but sweet. She always had a goofy smile.