useless ruckus


That is the go to Republican approach:

She’s never watched a 50's movie or an entire YouTube video in her life.

We’re not a state with an R governor, but I’d really like Dianne Feinstein to be replaced.  She’s like 200 years old already.

Probably all the people who’ve protested against the new io9 hompage view... I’ve basically stopped coming here for news because it’s so awful. I enjoy the morning spoilers though, so I’ll usually find an external link and visit from there.

“You can do it too.” Shut the fuck up, bootlicker. The myth of the “self-made man” has been debunked a thousand times. Read more of these “books” you pretend to be so interested in.

Running is dumb and you should do what I did.

Y’know, it used to be when you lost an athletic contest, that was it. Not that nobody’s ever cheated, of course, but on the whole you were very disappointed and then moved on.

I know it’s tempting to fantasize about kicking someone like this in the fork, but you should really stop and consider what consequences such an action might have. You could strain something, or hurt your foot, while doing so. Make sure to stretch beforehand and wear appropriate shoes!

Of course he did. Just another floridan turd I have to kick in the fucking dick whenever I get a chance. Swallow a beehive you pandering milquetoast discount trump wannabe.

Either way, the ACLU taking up the military draft as an issue concerning gender discrimination seems to me to be a pitfall of liberal definitions of gender equality, which rely on the idea that women must seek to do everything that men do.

They like it when they can use it as a bludgeon to beat down anyone they don’t like, but they hate it when the free market decides that their views are abhorrent and decides it no longer wants to give them a platform. They are the same way with the first amendment. Their first amendment rights must always be

Yes. I hope that clears it up.

I’m confident that machine intelligence will be our final undoing.

Evangelicals have always been offended by things. They were offended when Dogma came out in 1999. They were offended when The Last Temptation of Christ came out in 1988. At this point in time, I sincerely don’t give a shit about them being offended when “being offended” is their continual state of being.

Always follow the money and the connections for those people.


getting really tired of organizations and people giving into right wing terrorists. 

So people are going to start getting fired for their obvious pro-Israel bias right? Or does “objective” mean “blindly supports Israel no matter what” now?

I wonder if all the right wing "journalists" will lose their positions because of the obvious bias, and the openness with which they supported tromp and his minions... No? WEIRD!