it kills me when republicans say democrats are going to send your jobs to china. nobody has done more to destroy american manufacturing than republicans
it kills me when republicans say democrats are going to send your jobs to china. nobody has done more to destroy american manufacturing than republicans
Pompeo is just campaigning for 2024. Illegally.
it’s what all the suburban housewives are doing
I would like to see all of the “biased” media outlets completely ignore this whole family and see who else they can blame for their failings. Really tired of seeing them preen and pose in front of something they supposedly hate.
Tim Scott said democrats want to bring about a “Socialist utopia”, which is second only to Marco Gutierrez saying they wanted a “taco truck on every corner”, both of which make me respond with “okay, that sounds good”
His dad is sucking Ronald Reagan’s cock in Hell.
I’ve got to stop clicking on shit about Real Housewife Gizelle, who I dislike, when I think I’m clicking on something about Real Housewife Garcelle, who I love.
Anyone who cuts down healthy trees is a fucking sociopath. Please send this horrible family packing (that being said, November is going t be a fucking shit show. It’ll make 2000 look like a junior high student counsel election)
how big of a snowflake do you need to be to break up with your favorite team because they are a tiny bit less offensive?
he sounds like a mob boss and has invested something like 75million dollars in companies that compete with USPS
pretty sure it was because they were asked to vote for a Clinton instead
I’m just pissed I didn’t think of it first
Andy Yang was so damn excited on CNN. It was actually kind of cute.
yeah. Boycott an American company during a pandemic and recession because they hurt your widdle feefees. You absolute wanker.
i think there’s some jizz on your mirror, TP
what I remember is the Defense of Marriage Act. And DADT. And ruining a starry-eyed girls life. No, he was not the worst president by a longshot. But balanced budget and environmental protections are pretty much what every Democratic president does, even though they’re usually handed a steaming pile of shit when they…
do rich people even stay in a mansion for more than a year or two? once they get bored it’s off to another ridiculously priced enclave. If everyone on that fucking island got together, they could give every man, woman, and child in america a million bucks and not even notice it. shit, bezos alone could do that. …
I know you guys need ad revenue, but the pro-trump ads on the side of the screen are really pretty off-putting. But I guess money trumps ethics every time (pun intended)
When I was a little kid in elementary school, it was considered weak and effeminate to wear a coat outside, even if it was fucking freezing. Also, drinking your milk with a straw made you a sissy. This ridiculous shit starts early
Jeff Bezos, who makes like a billion dollars a minute, cancelled health insurance for part time WF employees. The man could give every man, woman and child in America a million dollars each and still be rich as fuck, but can’t be bothered to let people see a doctor. Which, I don’t have to say, is kind of important…