useless ruckus

Ozzie & Harriet was not a documentary

Can we find the lab where they’re making Tomi Lahren clones and burn it to the ground?

anything is a deadly weapon if you’re a cop.  skateboards, bubblegum, cell phones, pigeons...pretty much anything will justify a cop pulling out his gun

would it really be so bad if Tyga and Logan Paul got covid?

the GOP is a death cult

drink some bleach

the GOP is a death cult. 

How? How is that possible?

All those Chads in their khaki shorts and polo shirts.  Isn’t that the go-to uniform of white supremacists?

all he has to do is keep his ancient mouth shut for the next 3 1/2 months.

can Florida secede? We could install all the confederate statues there. The confederate flag could become the new flag for the nation of Florida. All the cities could be renamed for “confederate war heroes”. A big, beautiful wall (the best wall you’ve ever seen) could be built on it’s border. Mar-a-lago could become

Just because you have a mental illlness doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole

the combination of white people and florida is fucking deadly.


I would like to invite everyone who thinks covid-19 is a hoax to lick a subway pole, then tell me how it’s not real. If you can talk thru your ventilator

from your mouth to God’s ears

frickin’ NeverWaddlers

The pride guys with big dicks have is hilarious.  It’s not an accomplishment.  You didn’t do anything to get it.  It’s just a quirk of genetics.  So stupid.  There is such a thing as “too big”, and that goes for egos as well as dicks.

this is the reason most white people think racism is over. “well, I’ve never seen it (you have) so it doesn’t exist”

Bitch, you might, might, be able to get a job at the local Chic-fil-a drive thru window. Let’s not get above ourselves.