useless ruckus

A lot of the reason he ran for “president” is because of Obama ribbing him at the White House Corespondents Dinner

I’d really prefer President Costanza to what we’ve got now

it’s a direct line from McCarthy to Cohn to Trump

good one

he learned form the best

the second one

funny what triggers people, ain’t it?

“It’s a terrible thing that happened, but make it a teachable moment.”

It’s amazing what these fuckers think democracy is.  It explains so much of what’s happening now


Rich people only have one allegiance, the rest of us can fuck off and die already

Where’s your red cap, Ku Klux Karen?

the pet absolutely takes the guardian’s (not owner’s) last name, even though it’s not their baby, it’s still adopted

what about the AIDS jokes?  still hilarious?

the best course of action, Todd, would be to not say anything at all, rather than being outraged at outrage

How protected could you really be with facial tattoos?

that’s a little shrill, fellas

My mom says I’m really cute.  And smart, too