useless ruckus

Don’t pay attention to what he says, pay attention to what he does

You remember that idiot who lost her job for saying that now we have a classy first lady and not an “ape in heels”?  That is the level of intelligence both on Fox and watching it.

Because the propaganda is terrifying.  

those must be some powerful roofies

Horse bites are no laughing matter. Except when they bite this fucker. He’s lucky it wasn’t worse, but American Pharaoh probably stopped short when the incredibly bitter taste registered


these people think their own shit doesn’t stink

Once again, conservatives are not funny.  Using slurs is not entertainment, it’s weak.  

conservatives are the least funny people out there. I mean, fucking Dennis Miller is probably the best they got. when saying f*g or ch*k is the height of your “comedy”, you should just quit

At least we’re protecting them from vaping

Not removing your backpack on a crowded train or bus. Not getting up for old people or pregnant women.  San Franciscans are the worst on mass transit (doesn’t help that our mass transit sucks rocks)

When I’m a pedestrian, I hate drivers.  When I’m a driver, I hate pedestrians.  But no matter how I travel, I always hate cyclists

At least BK has genitals, Benny

this administration is the first time I ever heard of an “ethics waiver”

cue “true Americans” decrying this racist witch hunt

90% of all Americans claim Native American ancestry.  The same number will tell you that their dog is part wolf.

Well, at least Brick is aptly named

We used nukes on Japan with no real repercussions. Maybe it would work in the Middle East.