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The TH400 trans was probably the only thing reliable on that car.
Hey snotty pants, that’s not an answer to his question. That’s merely repeating your statement that certain sections are slightly different, not an answer to HOW or WHY it happened. Ya’ know, like what specifically led to the need for the repaint.
No need to go defensive. We can read, but his question probably refers to the fact the mismatch occurs on a section that went unmentioned in your exacting description.
Fair but also NO one without proper training should be behind the wheel of a vehicle with 1000 hp. I mean I get it 1,000 hp is “easy” to drive, compared to the so called death traps what were 60's muscle cars, hell they were hitting the mid 400's in hp and considered almost undrivable, granted it was 60's tech and…
Is this the thing where someone is buying up all the land around Travis AFB and it looks shady AF?
I looked pretty seriously at S2000s circa 2015. If I recall correctly, anything under $10k was a salvage title or 150k+ miles. A reasonably clean AP1 was ~$12,500 and mint one was closer to $20k.
In my memory the S2000 has never really dropped below $10k. At least not for decent examples you would buy and keep. Good examples have always been above $10k.
How did these become so ubiquitous in the States.
If automakers weren’t cowards, they would downsize and de-tune their halo cars and focus on delivering an actual driving experience. People would lose their shit if the Mustang was cut by 20% in every metric. Then they would discover that it’s a lot more fun to drive than the 3800+ pound boat that they have been for…
Yeah, when will men put away childish, frivolous pursuits like video games and pursue more mature, dignified hobbies like dressing like absolute dogshit?
“If anyone was stupid, it was the owner for making demands they knew they couldn’t enforce. The service writer knew what he was doing, I guarantee they were calling the customer an “asshole” and took the car out to spite him. They might not have even bothered if he didn’t say anything.”
One of the most broken minded…
These days if you ruin two body panels and a headlight assembly they’ll total a car, the word has lost nearly all meaning
Half bad would be a step up. Right now it’s whole bad.
It’s the dress that should be ashamed.
Yeah she chose this out of many options and was like “this, this is the one.” And that is confusing to me. She’s wanting to make some sort of statement for sure, and I honestly I’m not even hating on the fact that it’s transparent because thin celebrities do the transparent thing all the time. But this particular…
Hey, *you’re* the one that took the name of that dress pattern for your avatar name, pal...
The Pinto platform is not inherently bad, as its production racing record showed. With an engine that made decent power and good suspension tuning a Pinto or a Mustang II was a good car, unfortunately the engines were flaccid, the suspension tunes were weak and there were 200 lbs of bumper.