
My family had a whole hierarchy of trickle down hand me down cars. I hate autos, but I love free.

I killed the tranny in my wife’s CRV averaging 90+ from California to Phoenix during a summer day. It was barely working by the time we hit Mesa, and even though it appeared to recover after a cool down it shit the bed a few months later. I’ve killed a fair number (well, 4) of FWD torque converter autos attached to 4

You can be an automotive enthusiast without advocating irresponsible operation on roads open to the public. Closed course? Knock yourself out.

The thing is, and I know this is hard to accept, that public roads aren’t for recreating. They aren’t racetracks, they aren’t gymnasiums, they aren’t amusement parks. They are for moving people and goods safely and efficiently. Going out and tearing one up for your own amusement is asshole behavior.

“Future customers don’t need to be professional drivers to extract the ultimate performance of the 1,064-horsepower Corvette ZR1.”

The black one has honest wear and that brown interior is tits. Too much money, but otherwise I love it.

Ironically, ATGATT probably has done more to kill my love of riding than anything else. I live in SoCal, I just cannot be assed to dress for riding AND haul all my shit around everywhere I go, since you cannot just leave a fucking helmet with the bike when they all cost $600 now. Toss in traffic and the size wars and

Honestly, you’d be stupid to not just make your own if you want a driver. That’s what we did as broke ass teens with 60's cars. We scoured junkyards, flea markets, classifieds looking for the best bits. Now, you have your choice of very nice repro parts they will bring right to you.

I mean, how fast do you think terminal velocity is?

I mean, this is NP all day with a stick, but it’s almost undriveably slow with the auto. 100 HP 4 bangers and autos just don’t mix, and that combo probably hurt small car sales more than anything else.

And this is NOT a good thing. Although it is funny how many people think they can drive a 400+ HP car now.

No?  Utterly pointless and dumb is what I find them.

Have you seen me ride? Every trackday is a potential new leathers trackday. Why ride a new bike when I can get any number of older sportbikes for pennies on the dollar?  I’ll be stripping it down anyway.

I mean, I’m not embarrassed to ride a scooter, so not for me. I’ve had multiple bikes since I was, I dunno, 6 or 7 or something, being unitaskers isn’t a detriment. And scooters are comfortable, with low seat heights,low COGs, and bars with lots of leverage,you know, things that are good at a walking pace. And the

A lot of the forensic “sciences” boil down to some dude’s Mark 1 eyeball. Forensic firearms examination (along with other tool mark comparisons) is sketch as well.

Mustang dyno btw.

My Evo VIII dyno’d at 215 bone stock (and the dyno guy said that was the number and he had done dozens and dozens of them). So, 276 is about right.

It’s a poorly written joke. Dude just went to home depot and friction fit a piece of wood trim up there. Probably took 30 seconds. Pretty good roadside Mcgyver honestly.

It just passed Ca. smog, so pending an inspection I might be fine with it. I’d happily flog a beater Porsche myself. I’d need to check comps, but I’d certainly drive this for $15K.  The headliner is trivial.

I’m old enough to remember the tail end of the muscle car era, so I’ve seen first hand the attrition rate of just moderately powerful cars. Yeah, they made a ton of base Mustangs, but there’s another reason there are so many 289/c4 Mustang survivors.  Even base model cars with 4 speeds got real scarce, real fast. The