
Everything up to and including Rocks is worth your time. Everything else blows.

I learned to drive a stick in a ‘73 Chevy LUV. My family later had 2 Isuzu P’ups in succession, both “optioned” exactly the same, same paint, same everything. I loved all 3 trucks. Literally never had to do any maintenance ‘cept change the oil every now & again.

But America has spoken. Short bed picks need a hood that is a minimum 65" tall.

I would love to see small trucks like this make a comeback. The LUV, the old S10, the old Datsun and Toyota pickups too. I’d even take a Ute like the Subie Baja or anything that Australia gets that we don’t. All the truck I need, and none of the gargantuan inferiority-complex over-compensation that I don’t.

I would love to see small trucks like this make a comeback. The LUV, the old S10, the old Datsun and Toyota pickups too. I’d even take a Ute like the Subie Baja or anything that Australia gets that we don’t. All the truck I need, and none of the gargantuan inferiority-complex over-compensation that I don’t. 

The pre-glam days of Whitesnake are always a favorite. Having two of Purple’s best players, Paice and Lord, certainly didn’t hurt. Live...in the Heart of the City is where to start if you want an album showcasing his and Moody’s playing.

Reverse the positions and this would be par for the course and no-one would bat an eyelash, except to deride Martinez for being stingy and churlish.

Would you feel this same way if it was a male celebrity paying support to an ex-wife?  I’m guessing no...

He just couldn’t handle her freedom.  Her freedom to have sex with other people and to punch him in the face when he was asleep.

And his “controlling” behavior could have been him trying to keep her on the rails. Way too many moving parts here.

oh this looks neat.

Yep. There may benovelty and joy” for some when visiting McDonald’s, but working there? Sounds like a recruitment pitch.

So she cheated on him, assaulted him in his sleep, but he is the real bad guy here?

the idea that a man might be unsettled by a woman newly embracing her freedom is sadly nothing new

Is this not precisely the plan as designed by Swift’s A&R, marketing, social media consultants, and brand designers? To make fans as mouth-frothing crazy as possible for every thing she does so that they spend thousands of dollars each on her product? I mean, I do feel bad for her as an individual, but as a brand,

Look I am not American, and I am used to discuss politics in Europe or Israel and nowhere but really nowhere do I met people so unable to accept a different opinion as American left wingers. You go crazy, violent, and of course crass anytime someone is not exactly on the party line.

Interesting I never knew that, I always assumed movie guns were modified so as not to be able to even fire an actual live round at all. I mean I knew in the olden times they used live guns and live rounds, but just kind thought they modified them a live round with projectile wouldn’t even load.  Knowing this now it

Oh wow. I listen to audiobooks pretty much exclusively now, but if I have a passenger I will pause the book not because I know they dont want to listen to my book, but because I know they will talk and I dont want to miss anything. If we happen to not be talking then we ride in silence until we start talking again.

How many times do we flip a steak though?

I started doing this years ago and it’s definitely essential for a juicy steak. Not a big fan of the thermometer on the smaller cuts. Using your finger/thumb to check the firmness works for me. NY Strips can be deceiving...they seem to firm up quick. But I don’t get those much. Usually Ribeyes for me. And sirloins are