LOL, I say this every time, then I end up rereading whatever and deciding I really don’t need to see the show anytime soon, which always turns out to be never.
LOL, I say this every time, then I end up rereading whatever and deciding I really don’t need to see the show anytime soon, which always turns out to be never.
What if I said I though Fury Road was WAY over rated?
17+17+17= 51. The math checks out.
I’m sure that audience is there, it’s just a niche audience and will most likely stay that way outside of some completely unforeseeable (and unrepeatable) cross over successes. You want a “Big Fat Greek” you need to finance double digit low budget rom coms a year and hope you luck out occasionally.
The Stinger is a pretty big car already, even bigger isn’t a selling point for me.
Yeah, Alia is clearly impossible in live action. She’d have to be a cartoon.
Because children can’t act, and certainly couldn’t pull off Alia convincingly if they could. She’d have to be cgi.
Damn, AWD only? While I wouldn’t be caught dead in a modern Chrysler product, even I’ll be sad to see RWD go away.
Until CGI gets cheap, we’ll never get anything truly amazing from the age of sail. Even in the day it was understood it couldn’t be done well, you ever wonder why Hornblower (much like James T Kirk) led so many shore parties that it became a trope? Can’t adapt a naval action as readily.
1991? Just, fuck no. Be more like 1971. Which, c’mon, NCIS 1970s would be the shit as far as NCIS goes.
A Jay Z comeback album might give her a run for money tho.
Hell, if she sells more turntables I’m all for it.
I thought of that after I commented, but yeah, if you LIKE collecting the TS stuff, then her providing you stuff to collect is a positive.
She is absolutely counting on her fans to buy all 4, or why bother releasing 4? I personally think for an artist with her level of popularity it’s a bunk move. But I only collect records for the music, I don’t go looking for albums that are otherwise valuable as objects unless I can’t get the music any other way. I…
If I had a rack like that I’d probably never talk about anything else. I might not even own any shirts. You’re only in your 20s once.
LOL, 2 comments and I see I’ve already been beaten to the punch.
1200 square feet with a den/office. Yeah, I don’t know either.
New apts are opening at the end of my street. Start at $3K and goes up to $4495 for a 2 bedroom. And my hood isn’t posh.
I always get a bunch of shit for this, but I skip ALL cutscenes, all the time. If I wanted to watch a stupid (which is 90+% of the time, let’s be honest) cartoon I got a TV. Tell your story through gameplay. And, no, it doesn’t bother me to “miss” something, there are hundreds of shows and movies I’ve never bothered…
Are you sure you aren’t confusing solid rear end cars for De Dion cars?