
I've never experienced a charger that slow.  Perhaps he was already close to full when he plugged in.

Charleston is in the other Carolina!

If priced similar to an ICE X3 it will sell well. I’m afraid the price will be too high for the specs.  That's the current theme out of Germany anyways.

I think common was the word you were looking for.

Not once you do a Def delete like half the Bros will do.

Sadly, I just can’t agree. The public doesn’t have the stomach for paying more in taxes and leadership is as weak as it’s ever been. I’ve lived in Asia and used some wonderful transportation systems but I don’t see those traditional systems happening here. That is why new thinking like hyperloop excites me. Maybe it

Wrong. California cancelled the high speed train project this year because the costs got out of control. Much of our large infrastructure projects were built when 3 meals a day and a dry place to sleep would attract workers.  Old labor/land intense projects like high speed rail are not viable in the USA.

High speed rail isn’t going to happen. It’s just too expensive. Maybe hyperloop can combat some of the cost issues.  Give the future a chance!

Because the data is being fed to a 1990's computer that is not up to the task.  It gets deeper than I understand with some 'bit flip' issue.  Certifying the Max with a new computer will take a while if that's what they choose to do.  I imagine they're focused on making the program as lean as possible hoping it will be

I sense a little sarcasm there! The authors of the Porsche apology articles should answer for themselves. No need to cover for them as you didn’t write that crap!

737 - The airframe can’t be certified without MCAS because of the way it handles. The computer on board (1990's tech) is having issues running the more robust 2.0 version of the MCAS software. Aerodynamic changes to the airframe to correct the handling will likely make is less efficient.  It's going to be a long

Ahh.. the old repost alternative facts until they’re accepted as the truth.  Tesla drivetrains are not unreliable and you know that.  They're battery packs are the best on the market.

In real life that 201 will be about 150. But you never want to go to 0% SOC so it's really lower than that.  The EPA may be more realistic than the WLPT but they still don't account for going 80 on the interstate.  

They'll put the 48v mild mild mild hybrid system in everything and call them electrified.  2 years simply isn't enough time to do it right.

When the guy from Fully Charged did 30 0-60 runs to prove the capability of the Porsche they forgot to tell us that drained the whole battery!

I love the ZF 8 speed.  Our Mazda 6 speed is jerky at low speed due to the clutched design. 

Yikes... the 6 speed isn't terrible but it's not 2013 anymore.  

The EPA isn't isn't doing hot laps in the Porsche!  They all go through the same standard test.  German EVs aren't efficient enough so far.  Hopefully they'll get better

Not likely. Besides, the Cyber Truck isn’t any worse that several other vehicles being sold. You want to be hit by a Wranger with a solid steel bumper and factory winch? You can even remove the outer portions of the factory bumper, so when you hit pedestrians they go right under that big 35" tire! How about being hit

US doesn’t have those laws.  Probably not legal in Europe.  Pretty sure Europe isn’t the target market.