
Offended? Not liking his videos ≠ offended.

I do.  He bought a model 3 for the sole purpose of making videos with click bate titles. 

Why not just redirect to this guy's YouTube channel when I click the link?  Or put his EE logo on the banner so I know not to click that story.

WHAT.  No mention of Elon hitting a cone?  

I ran over a squirrel once.  Care to make an article about it?

Jesus.. I come here for news not garbage.

CX-E needs to be the priority... Not the low volume Miata

These comments aged so poorly! The trucks is already a hit. All they have to do now is execute.

What were the claimed damages? Did he lose his job? Was he financially harmed?

Because it's Apple Car play...  And Tesla only did that for a while.  

The model Y doesn’t exist? But the Mach E does? Neither are in series production... Pretty sure that’s a fair comparison

That model 3 argument continues to be wrong. Unlike cars with manual controls, there is seldom a reason the change the settings while driving. You don’t change the temperature in your house every 15 minutes and you don’t do it in a Tesla either. Set it and forget it. But I’m sure someone will make the same argument

On the picture you posted, yes.  Not in the picture in the story.  Solid plastic fake grill.

70k for a 3 series! C.P.

Played itself?  Free press coverage...

1ST) So if they had only received 2,500 deposits I take it you wouldn’t be shitting on them? You would run an article stating that it’s an irrelevant stat right?  Where is the update about Ford BACKING OUT from a tug-a-war rematch?  

Loading from the side.. with a ladder? Today’s 4x4 trucks can’t be loaded from the side unless you’re 6'6"+

Ahhh.. Ford has already backed out of a rematch. Snowflakes!

Fuck Saudi Arabia and Fuck Formula E racing for being part of this charade

Source? Tesla model 3 has a manual release.