
100% agree.  I used to do it all myself but it just isn't cost effective anymore.  

100% agree.  I used to do it all myself but it just isn't cost effective anymore.  

Travelers is giving 2 months 15% discount.   30 whole dollars!  I wonder if it will be a rebate or a discount on my next renewal.  

I wonder how many ventilators Jalopnik has donated.  

I'm sure it's capabilities off-road are much the same as any other CUV.  I don't think anyone would honestly expect different.  But sure why not another article pointing out Tesla's "flaws." It's no Wrangler for sure but on average will see just as many malls.

Look I hate Trump as much as the next guy.  But don't for a second believe GM wasn't trying to pull a fast one.  They got the positive PR but had no intention of actually mass production.  If a company comes forward in an emergency says "we'll provide this" they better freaking do it.


Just throwing it out there that BMW and KIA factories are still running as of March 26th.

My savior says all will be normal by Easter.  It will be beautiful

In 2 weeks time because they'll be out of parts. 

Meanwhile BMW Spartanburg keeps on running.

Calling out Elon in typical Jalopnik bias.  If you look around you'll see all the auto assembly plants are still running.  At least he's allowing workers to stay home if they want to.  The same can't be said where I work.

And that’s the core market for pickup buyers!  My supervisor commutes in a 2020 2500 Denali.  All he tows is a side by side.

GM releases 30 minutes of buzz words and suddenly y'all think they've caught up with Tesla!  How about some specs and release dates?  

“A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This number can vary based on a vehicle’s fuel, fuel economy, and the number of miles driven per year.”” From EPA study. It hold about 1-2 lb of refrigerant. So no... The tailpipe is 100% the source of most of your car’s pollution.

Get off feeling smart because I know about my car?  Tesla's will remind you if you leave the charge setting above 90% that it's not good for battery health. Is there some buffer... Of course.  20% no.  Actually since I'm an idiot which car has 20% buffer?!

Nope.  I also don't charge my EV to 100% everyday.  And I damn sure don't plan to make it home on 0!  I do drive on the interstate everyday which unfortunately kills range

I drive an EV every day. (Model 3) I really wanted this to be the replacement for my wife’s CX-5. Without a range extender 130 miles 100 to 0% won’t work for most people. Underpowered and under-ranged.  

And the market has moved away from that range. 130 miles means maybe 95 in the winter. I only charge to 80% because I want my battery to last. So maybe I’d get 75 miles in the winter.  It's fine for a city only car.  Most people don't won't want to spend 40k for a city Only car.  

I'm a Mazda fan but this offering is crap.  It's just a compliance car that they have no interest in even making.  I can't imagine the range anxiety in that thing.  

LoL. Obviously you don't.