
My old down-home remedy when I felt something coming on was to go out and get stinking drunk and smoke like 3 packs of cigarettes - the “logic” was that my blood would be toxic waste and the hangover would kill anything smaller than a human.

Good for you! That shit is bad news, and I know it’s not easy to get away from. The area I grew up is just crawling with it right now, and lot of people I knew back then have really struggled.

I was totally going to make a joke about the tails, but I see you beat me to it. ONE MORE THING YOU’VE TAKEN FROM ME!!!!1!

My FIL has been mainlining the anti-Obama Koolaid by the gallon for the last couple years. There’s nothing wrong with just saying “The only way to win here is to be the first one to walk away”, and then walk away. You get to opt out, and the hope is he can stew in thinking that you think you won.


I miss this luxury, and while I’d very much like to get it back, this isn’t the election cycle to piss and moan about not having it.

Spray bottle full of half-and-half vinegar/water, like any other asshole animal in the house who won’t behave.

I used to work with a uh... very humble-looking guy who had an extremely attractive girlfriend who he cheated on nearly constantly, with women much more “in his league” (aka “drunken hot hot messes”).

I *almost* feel bad for him, because it seems more like a compulsion than anything.

I think the term “sex addiction” is used a bit generously in say, a garden-variety Hollywood caught-banging-the-nanny scandal. But this fuckin’ guy seems to be literally unable to stop doing the exact same moronic thing, over and over again, and it has cost him a Congressional seat, a shot at mayor of NYC, and now

The downside is now he and dong will be completely free to rampage from one end of this earth to the other.

If by “Cross-Section” you mean “Absolutely 100-fucking percent”, I’d agree with you.

I always thought it was the pupils shaped like dollar signs and the rubbing the hands together! DAMMIT NOW THEY COULD BE ANYWHERE!!!

Raelians were also the group who claimed to have successfully cloned humans in the early 2000's.

You are literally the person this video is about. I hope you realize you are also the person this video is for.

Bees do good work, and serve a purpose. You’re thinking more like a swarm of hornets, like those giant crazy Japanese Hornet motherfuckers.

It’s 100% true that she is an asshole, and went to work at Asshole Inc. and was treated like an asshole by other assholes, but none of that makes it legal to violate her rights. “She’s a fucking jerk” wouldn’t be a legal defense if you stole her car or burned her house down, why does it justify this particular offense?

It’s the great Progressive Dilemma - you fight for the rights of the fucking creeps, too, no matter how much they scream at you for it.

Not bad at all, really. Used parts are plentiful and pretty interchangeable, and almost everything is made to be rebuildable, and designed to be accessible and easy to work on. And the Airhead community is a pretty remarkable bunch who are generous with their time and knowledge. I’m in about $250 for 3 1/2 years of

The war between the bean counters and the engineers is eternal. Cars like this are what happens when the engineers win.