
I recall you mentioning Native American (apologies if that’s not your preferred identifier, I just honestly don’t know) issues in other posts, which is really interesting to me.

How long did that conversation need to be? “Hey, so, cousin Jeff who’s voting for the racist is also a racist” “I think you’re right, where should we eat?”

I have a /6 with an R100S engine swap, and god-only-knows how many miles. These bikes do have fussy parts (like the speedos that break so you literally don’t actually know mileage), but that engine could be in a goddamn tractor. I know a guy in Australia with over 600k and I think the biggest repair was a clutch. Just

He doesn’t know the end goal of the pilgrimmage just yet in this scene. It’s right before they get on the Highroad, and that twist isn’t until the destruction of Home a fair amount of game hours later.

Yeah, killing people to show society that we don’t approve of killing people is stupid.

Cops would have called the coroner’s office on their way to the scene, to try and save time.

Probably more of a “DURR I’M HIGH AS FUCK AND I JUST GAVE THE DOORMAN’S SON I BUY DRUGS FROM ALL MUH CASH I CAN’T BRAIN GOOD” and somehow was not able to brain hard enough to remember to just use a damn credit card.

Pretty much all the nastiest (not necessarily most damage, just most “fuck you human I just want to hurt you) bites I’ve ever had were little dogs with shitty owners who never taught the dog anything besides “If you’re a big enough asshole you can do whatever you want” and let the dog be in charge.

All I’m really seeing here is a guy training his dog to bite him whenever he moves his hands.

Or that poor German Shepherd in the first “Parasite Eve”.

If the normal ratio of face-to-balls-attractiveness is in effect here, I imagine his scrotum is an actual basset hound, except not at all cute.

My mother works with severely emotionally-impaired kids (mostly austistic) and has said that her least-favorite conversation to have with parents is “You need to teach your kids how and when and specifically when NOT to masturbate, because I legally can’t mention it. Good luck!”

Well, when you look around at the world with a very jaded eye, slapping “CHRIST IS KING” on any old piece of crap will still guarantee sales. Throw in the strong social aspect and peer pressure in conservative faith communities, and if you get something to catch on it’s shooting fish in a barrel from there.

My poor wife has eleventy-gazillion HS “friends”, cousins, former coworkers etc that are into this bullshit up to their eyeballs and have 100% done drunk that Kool-Aid. One of the refinements they’ve made in this current generation of marketing materials is canned responses and a script for virtually any reaction on

I’m a manger of a small shop, and I’d hire 10 of her at the drop of a hat. Of course, I hope her college degree gets her a secure gig.

It should be required - I work in animal care, and if one of the dogs absolutely blows up their house, if I’m not on the phone or with a customer, I’ll be up to my elbows in shit like anybody else (a dog who isn’t feeling good can produce an absolutlely staggering amount of shit.)

No, but it’s a tipping point. It’s one thing to tell an wink-nudge off-color say, Helen Keller joke, and another thing to share a taxi with that same person when they keep slurring “fuuuuuckin niiiiiiiiigger” at the driver. Or difference between telling a corny old sexist “Take my wife....... please!” joke and telling

Yes. Yes I do. It’s very spiritual.

I think that Top Gear, throughout it’s run, produced some of the most entertaining television ever made. There were some off-color jokes throughout, but mostly on the order of your funny Un-PC Uncle who drinks a bit much but knows a ton of great jokes. But the Vietnam Special (a large portion of my father and 100% of

I’m happy to just handwave that parts that don’t quite make sense away as being a story told out of order by a liar. There are plenty of great stories I love with gigantic plot holes, and I’ll cut a lot of slack if you can blow me away with some great imagery. Most of my so-bad-they’re-good movie faves, or tons of