
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa......

I didn’t know who he was or that he existed, and now that the internet explained it to me, I still don’t.

It’s a bread bowl filled with cheese and marinara (and whatever other toppings you can tolerate WAY too much of), not a flatbread carrying said items - it’s a pretty simple equation.

I’m really curious what Nicole Arbour puts on her resume. Does she think she’s a “Comedienne”? “Digital Messaging Optimizer”? A “New Media Celebrity”? Or does she get real and type out “Horrid Unfunny Bitch Asshole”?

I’ll agree with you and also say you’re totally wrong. The day we saw pictures of the ‘02 7-Series with the caption “WHAT THE NEW BEEMER WILL ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE I’M NOT JOKING” the E38 was burned into our hearts and memories as an all-time classic of classiness.

I think a lot of otherwise intelligent, empathetic people fall into the trap of “I don’t support the death penalty, but fucking kill this guy”. The comments sections are always full of them, especially when there’s a particularly heinous crime and very little doubt as to guilt.

It may just be Kinja sucking, but for me I have to disable my Ad/Pop-Up Blocker (strictly on a “this page only” basis, lest I catch a case of “Auto-Play Videoitis”) to actually star or comment at all.

Yeah, rape-does-not-equal-sex is the same as orgasm-does-not-equal-getting-off. If a person commits rape, it seems pretty fucking mathematically unlikely that it isn’t the way they Get Off, and humans don’t do that once in a lifetime.

I clicked on this article to type this comment. I’m actually surprised they’re only seeing 51%, though admittedly it’s not that large a data pool.

I’m sure I will, at the very least for this sequel (I don’t like playing “Part II” if I didn’t finish “Part I”), but my playthrough was, uh, less humanitarian than yours. The old stealth game trope “Get through 75-90% of the level unseen, some asshole you completely failed to notice pops around a corner and sounds

I played it and loved it, but halfway through the last mission I just stopped. I’d obsessively used the heart on everybody and everything, and I realized that this was a world I maybe shouldn’t save. Everyone dying of the plague seemed merciful.

It’s very simple, if you’re an asshole.

As a man, I can agree with hating all of them except myself, whom I merely hold in distasteful contempt - at least I get my motivations.

TommyToeFace might be equivalent to Riddler’s shittiest sidekick from the 80's. It’s a massively stupid gimmick, and given his predilection for pretending to be a ignorant kid, I read all his comments now in an Adam-Sandler-”I’m-an-adult-man-who-talks-like-a-baby-retard-isn’t-that-fucking-funny” voice.

I think a lot of it has to do with the family of the deceased being able to identify and sue. I can google “glob of fetal tissue” and print it out 8 fucking feet tall, and it would be a tricky legal matter to prove ownership of the image or said fetal tissue in it and legally bar me from using it (and people who do

It’s totaly a legit and real thing. Remember how horribly bitter brussels sprouts were, or how if your parents gave you a sip you were baffled why anybody liked coffee, wine, or beer? Kids actually experience flavor much more intensely than adults (without getting into “super-tasters”), some kind of primate

I also remember liking it as well as thinking Pizza Hut was the finest cuisine on earth (when BK didn’t have Burger Buddies anymore). I chalk this up to being 8, which means I was an idiot who also thought crayons were pretty tasty.

In case you haven’t noticed, kids are disgusting and constantly make terrible decisions i.e. eating an entire Chuck E. Cheese pizza a pint of cheap ice cream and 4 slices of cake, enjoying The Wiggles at FULL FUCKING VOLUME, pants shitting, etc.

As horrible as it would have been for the families, I think pictures of what happened at Sandy Hook might have actually tipped it. Put them on the walls of the “Sporting Goods” department, same as putting diseased lungs on the pack of cigarettes - “This products causes death”.

There are literally seven billion humans out there and most of them are pieces of shit and make each other miserable. I’d still think it would be a shitty thing to advocate chopping off their annoying parts just to make you happy.