
99 1/2. Other grandma made it to 97 living on pickled pig’s knuckles and a tablespoon of salt on EVERYTHING - she smoked for 80 years and her taste buds had just completely given up.

Yup - she was 13 when the shit hit that fan.

Ever heard of “Fool’s Gold Loaf”, another supposed Elvis favorite?

I used to work with a Mongolian guy (like, grew up in a yurt, and his family’s Big Occasion meal was boiling a yak head for a month or some shit - he took to pizza and cheeseburgers with great enthusiasm). He would do shit like put Nutella on asiago dill bagels or peanut butter on pizza, because to him that wasn’t any

That sammich has been around forever - I think it’s a pretty normal “GRANDMA I’M HUNGRY” thing to get. I’ve had it. Don’t need to have it again.

My grandma was into butter, peanut butter, mayo, banana, and onion sandwiches. Really fucking weird. And she was 1/2 1st gen English, 1/4 German, 1/4 Native American, by way of Cleveland so who knows where the fuck she discovered that combo.

Missouri is a third-world hellhole with a shitty economy and an educational system in freefall. All this “BURN THE SLUTS BURN THEM” noise is just a distraction.

Their sin is that they’re just so goddamned boring. Coldplay is horrible, but at least they fill me with hate.


They’re basically giant box cutter blades, and they can break off dulled sections so the end one is sharp.

Heard their Alderman has basically sworn to run ‘em out using ‘nuisance establishment’ laws - like a liquor store that sells crack on the sly, or a bar fronting a prostitution ring.

Oh, I was talking shit about tow truck drivers here. They suck.

The ones in Chicago are basically sanctioned car thieves and are bigger assholes on the road than cabbies - passing on either side, 30 over on city streets, playing chicken going wrong way down a 1 way street. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one come to a complete stop even running a red light.

Those tweets just remind of the old George Carlin joke truth.

“Please turn off your ad-blocker to continue to our Forbes.com experience”

If I go into a restaurant and everybody who works there is skinny, imma peace out to someplace with food worth getting fat for.

Pretty sure there’s a sizeable Internet Army whose only joy in life is waking up first thing Sunday, clicking the bookmark for Kotaku’s Sunday Comics (or perhaps separate dedicated device left on the page at all times), and hitting “refresh”until the new ones are up so they can start bitching and moaning about them.

Yes, but it can only ever have an imitation Rolls Royce front lid.

I’ve watched plenty of their other videos and enjoyed them until this one caused my death.

After 17 seconds of that unbelievably grating garbage I killed myself and now I’m dead.