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Placebo also covered it as a bonus track on “Sleeping With Ghosts”

Yeah, if somebody is going to be a massive piece of shit and ruin my day, the very least they can do is apologize and be quick about it.

I bit off a guy’s finger once. Enormously satisfying. I spit it in the bushes.

C’mon Florida - even fucking Maryland is getting in on your act. Need to up your game.

This just in: Once-relevant cheesecake mag sits in locked garage, starts car.

Well, I enjoy plenty of things that are just odd, strange, upsetting, unpleasant, etc. I get a kick out of the “Short Films Of David Lynch” series and bizarro humor in general. I guess when it comes to horror films anymore I’m like “So, uh, why are these terrible things happening? No real reason? Oh, SO I GUESS IT’S

I get what you’re saying, but personally, gross doesn’t titillate me anymore.

Yeah, I dont’ want to see any of those things. I know actual horrible things happen. I’ve seen gross stuff. There’s a documentary kind of fascination with such things, but I don’t know what I’d gain from watching somebody finger-fuck a colostomy hole - that’s the cinematic equivalent of watching “Fear Factor”.

I got one - it was pretty vile.

I utterly loathe IPA’s - I think what I hate about them is what everybody else hates about cheap gin. Which is funny because I LOVE cheap gin.

Yeah, it’s perfectly fine to enjoy some ham!

Well, to be fair, it was a renewal of vows.

I’d like to know exactly how many, please. I need to know how many candles to buy.

Just reading that sentence made my dick retract to somewhere near my lungs.

That’s the idea

Hey, listen, as a straight dude who’s been out dancing with muh bitches at a gay club, I can assure you I was completely invisible then, too.

Those two would produce the stupidest babies that would ever have been birthed upon this planet. Just eating-paint-chips-all-day-fucking-stupid.

Much genius.

The thing I HATE to admit, and the scab I refuse to stop picking on my gibbering idiot FB rightie ‘friends’, is that in terms of actual enacted policy, Obama is actually in line or slightly rightward of Neocon-Christ Reagan. Just another cautious, compromising pro-biz moderate.

I hope you live a horribly long and enragingly empty life full-well-knowing it’s because you compared fucking REAGAN to Einstein that one time on an internets comment section.