
List ranking orders, from best to worst:

1. I don’t remember clicking Deadspin! Which I only read for terrible soccer coverage.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se.

On the one hand, I think it’s great that Overwatch has a gay character and, if it IS Zarya, that’s awesome. On the other hand, I dunno. It seems kind of... I’m not sure what the precise form of prejudice is, that they tell us there’s a gay character and the entire internet just collectively decided “It’s her. The girl

is it x

Old, white, retired career Army officer here (infantry)...I do not see ANY partisan aspect to this photograph. It’s a non-problem, and it will fade away pretty quickly.

I will bring myself sexual pleasure later while thinking about this with great respect.

Technically speaking, the vipers have human DNA mixed in, so in a sense, you’re just having sex with a human. A human that can spit venomous gas and has scales and fangs. It’s basically the same thing as having sex with a Kardashian.

A foreign policy expert who voted for an illegal war. A foreign policy expert who oversaw spectacular failures of foreign policy (Libya, Syria, Arab Spring non-support). A foreign policy who mucked around in the TPP agreement she helped shape, called the gold standard and now is against when it is politically

I remember when Front Mission 3 and Tactics Ogre did this, except they only charged you for one game.

Remember when Tactics Ogre:LUCT did an incredibly similar three way, fleshed out, branching storyline and only charged us once?