Joule thief!
Joule thief!
Overwatch’s newest hero, combat medic Baptiste, is coming to live servers on March 19. He’ll presumably be accompanied by a slew of balance changes Blizzard has been testing, meaning that we could be looking at a big shake up to the game’s meta. Or not! We’ll find out next week.
On the flip side, why make a part of the game choosing who you can romance if you’re only going to add DLC later that says “Nah, fuck that. This is who really mattered”? Regardless of whether your character was gay or straight, it seems like a really stupid choice.
couldnt these people just travel by yacht? i dont see the problem
I was watching DBS with my 5 yo daughter and she turned to me and said “you’re a good dad like Vegeta, he cares for his kids and his wife, Goku only likes to play fighting with other people”.
The guy knows Dragon Age, but not Elder Scrolls? Interesting.
He’s a piece of shit murderer. I can sympathize mental health issues and suicide. But there are plenty of ways to attempt suicide that do not harm others. He had no regard for the life of other humans and for that he’s a piece of shit. Just like any other murder suicide we hear on the news.
How about ‘Hope he burns in hell’
Fuck that shithead. Fuck youtubers. Fuck social media. Fuck the culturally corrupt country.
If only they could claim copyright ownership over the footage, because this is just precious.
I have just written a post about this.
Can we...*sigh*...can we get the PvE modes year round please? It’s ridiculous that you can play modes designed to be played vs human with dumb bots instead the whole year round, but you can only play the modes designed to be played vs bots in 2-week loot box events...
he was offered $10,000 and networking opportunities with Steve Bannon
“Far too many far-right extremists intentionally seek those jobs in order to protect their kin in situations like this.”
Public money built the internet you dork.
But where are the three seashells?