As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.
This year, I invested in pumpkins. They’ve been going up the whole month of October and I got a feeling they’re going to peak right around January. Then, bang! That’s when I’ll cash in.
If true that I hogged the mic at my friend’s karaoke birthday party, and in fact sang so many songs that I was the last person in the room while a nice man turned on the lights and began clearing our glasses, that would be unacceptable behavior—but I’d need to know who your sources are.
No no no all the people who preferred Clinton to Sanders were in on the fix.
Also, for everyone in Austria (a place where it can be cold as fuck) to get frost nip during the winter, because now they can’t cover their skin to protect it from the weather. Freedom!
The only way to protect western democracy is to destroy everything it stands for. /s
It goes further than that. Ulysses Motherfucking Grant was born in Ohio.
I’m sorry but there’s been some misinformation going around. This character cannot be “Doomfist” for, as you can plainly see, both of Victor von Doom’s fists are attached to his arms. Naturally, our benevolent overlord has decided not to sue this imposter for identity theft for Dr. Doom is a forgiving man. Remember,…
Except one of the parents is an abusive alcoholic and the other is the responsable one that just tries to deliver the best for their kid.
Battlefield even did “modern warfare” before CoD
Think it’s safe to say Nerd Rage won.
A few things:
Thats a rather alternative view of what happened. Jafari tweeted out his support of White Supremacy. A personality from a different medium asked him to come on his show and talk about it where Jafari said even more white supremacist lies and then Jafari on his own Youtube channel double downed on his white supremacist…