Dude, Raiden is awesome in revegerance. If Konami wad not shit now I would want them to make another game with him.
Dude, Raiden is awesome in revegerance. If Konami wad not shit now I would want them to make another game with him.
I did make an effort to do so and it failed horribly. I’m nOT talking about the magic but the skill system. All skill are junk unless it’s charge. You’re forced into magic or go home with this game.
The answer is simple... it’s all the timeline....except for the bad loz games.
They switched it to the job system....then I may give it one more try. That system was the backbone of ff5.
Not really with ff12. It’s like that from the start.
That is one of it’s problems. The game mostly forces the player to make everyone the same. Skills don’t work most of the time and your then stuck making nothing but melee casters. The characters then become faceless being that any one can have any weapon, skill, or magic.you lose any need to change characters in…
Mother of God...I though this was a joke. This is fantastic
Are you serious? They are raining down 3's like candy in area that surpasses the 3 point line. They are near impossible to defend.
You do understand the first game they made were about mech, right?
Because the company is blizzard/activision.
It died on you in the middle of dark soul boss fights. No you’re not sorry.
And is replace by gilgamesh
He becomes gilgamesh
Funny. the counsel in the clone wars put a stop to that.
About romance? Everyone who romance this egg lost an arm. Stupid egg.
It should be gone after the vault. Try leaving and coming back. I’ve already done all of Eos.
The radiation is already gone if you saw the scourge ( gas thingy). If you step out side the nomad note how sam does not point out any environmental hassards. What ever places you were not able to go before you can go now.
It has not been out for a month
That’s not true. The radiation goes away after you open the vault on eos.