1. No garrus not a good character from the start. He only became everyone’s favorite in me2. He was an interesting characer in me1 but he was not everyone fav then...that was wrex.
1. No garrus not a good character from the start. He only became everyone’s favorite in me2. He was an interesting characer in me1 but he was not everyone fav then...that was wrex.
Not exactly. Everything in the 3 games took 3 games to get to. It took you up to 3 games to like garrus. It took you up to 3 games to have results of your choices have an impact. It took up to 3 games have a heavy impacting villian.
If you play it on the Xbox one or classic ps4....it’s a mess. But on pc it’s way better.
You clearly did not play this game. When you talk to director Tann, the leaderof th
It not that. The issue is they don’t have standard laws yet. Laws we have now was develop over year. Nwe colonies and territories of the past had to develop it on they fly.
You’re not understanding. He still get a punishment from the initiative being that he is placed under community service. They acknowledge that attempted murder is still a crime it just not the same degree.
He’s not let go Scott free. He still gets a punishment just not exiled.
Here’s the thing. The open world’s are more like an improved ME1 rover drive. The majority of side quest are investigations, tracking, fighting, or the dreaded fetch quest. But they are not thrown at you at once and open up over time as you explore the map and come in contact with people. A good portion of the none…
Wait yes it does. Just not at the same dramatic level. There is reactions to what you do.
There is a news story on the tram. And there is a result to it. Go visit the cryo pods.
Story for MEA is fine. The issue are some goofy lines and bad face animations.
Wait ...what? People hated the combat, it was a glitch mess, and had a slow start.
Dude. No matter what you’re going to stop the reapers. All that differs is the collateral damage. THAT IS WHERE YOUR CHOICE MATTERS. Each one of the ending represents a logical way to stop a machine. Destory it, reprogram it, or have it do it’s job is a different way. Any bitters at this point should be about original…
Dude you are comparing it to an entire trilogy. The entire is not off lines and bad animation. AND the vo is fine. Added ME1 had the simular slow start.
They did that with da2. They nearly got linched. Bioware can’t win.
1.Are you not going to comment on my much longer post?
1. I don’t care what they are calling you. That has nothing to do with this coversation. Note that I did not call you that. Why because it’s ungrounded
That would be the case if no one told you and you did not no. That would not happen in this case.
The issue is not what he think. It that what he thinks fuel the ability to put the wrong people in power and give them the legal ability to hurt others.
One way or another there no way to think about this controversy when playing this game. Even if they had kept him or not. This in no way effects you enjoyment of the game. I makes you’re cancelation even more pointless.