
Na. Congress has the power in this. Trump does not understand that they can impeach him at anytime. Then they have a more resonance Prance to pass all their bills. They don’t need him to do anything any more. More so with his fallowed turning on him.

Dude,no. You don’t get it at all. Think about for a moment. You have a person here who is ok with hating and look down another person because of their race , belief, and culture and they want to take political action to restrict these people freedom of action, will , immagration and travel in and to the USA and

The fact that you can’t understand that he was not baited. This was not a trick and if he did go into the discussion more prepared it would not be any less cortiversal.

Then what the point of canceling the preorder. Are you saying a company should not have the free will to make choices and actions based on an associates action and beliefs?

As the milk machine finally comes off the dry crusty udders of the naruto series, it final sighs in relef.

The vinilla ending of me3 will turn your soul black with spite.

*looks at Mass Effect Andromeda

You thought this was a regular comment but it was I...DIO!!!!!!

Contrast to people who take the smallest thing and build them up to the worst thing ever like most people who say anything bad about mea?

I thought it was just me.... I just ended quiting going through 5 more box after not getting anything after 10 boxes...

Do you know that the book that inspired Hitler was produced and public by a woman?

That’s the thing...lttp has not aged at all. Out side of a roll or a faster combat system you don’t have anything of today that would totally out class it.

Again. oot is just a 3d version of lttp. It has not aged well and it’s mechanics have not aged well. Lttp has.

I beginning to think we are not seeing the same color. The screen is pretty dark and gray to me.

No. TP is very dark and grey. oot is super colorful outside of ganon’s castle.

the exploring element does not mean it aged well. Botw is looking to beat loz at that.

Sorry no. Everything in MM is source back to lttp. MM is just a 3d lttp with a few new twist.

loz in the nes is easy...LA is hard because of the bs combat system.

you all ready have played the number 1 game on the the list. It was so good they remade the game 5 time in 3d with a direct sequel. every game after lttp is just it’s copy.

The bunny is the only thing keep the world safe from his rage.....and the demons killed it.