wOW”s....i’s wONDr hOW tAht FeAls?
Here’s a counter to this: The original Mass Effect is a better example of this. It’s combat system is crap compared to games of now. It’s inventory is a mess and the stuff in it is near incomprehensible. The vehicles runs like crap and it run horribly.....But it’s way more functional then Alpha protocol. It only loses…
In’s all about that Boss.
Sword art online abridged.
You’re who ever or what ever you want to be...clearly.
She made a Meat toboggan
Yep. Fire is the element she uses the most.
Correction: Korra cos player is bending water more then the character she is dressed as.
“.....GREY FOX”
And the fan fic’s get ready.
Stop it, man. I’m still burn by the fact the new season is still not up yet.
I don’t know. Having peace with the darkspawn is like trying to have peace with Ebola. The kill the beings of this world by just being. We also know that darkspawn with awareness does not always equal benevolent darkspawn. And aware darkspawn can do way more damage that the mindless ones.
Saying he’s peaceful is a stretch. He’s more affable then other darkspawns. That does not mean he is not dangerous.