How major it is is based on what your character does with the info. If they hide it.....It has none. If they don’t, an orlisian house falls and how magic is seen changes with the academic community.
How major it is is based on what your character does with the info. If they hide it.....It has none. If they don’t, an orlisian house falls and how magic is seen changes with the academic community.
If you like lore, exploration and uncovering the mystery stories, then yes.
It’s way more the megaman. Just look at how bad re 5 and 6 is and you can see how crappy capcom has become.
You have never seen a Japaneses woman...have you? This is realistic for Asian woman.
This is so British is hilarious.
Ofcourse the gundums in gundam wing are overpowered. I never said they were not. I just said the mech in gundam 00 only were overpower up to half way in the first season. After that all fights were risky.
You mean the Gundams that see the future some how not over powered? Also, the video you just showed is the gundam that can’t take out a colony.
Says the Guy who thinks the mech in 00 are over powered and the same thing as wing.
That what I highlight in bold. Nothing there says it was damage in a fight with mech with more advance tech then the norm. Only that it was captured because it could not fight in space and then later destroy. How is that anything like 00? You missed the point and you don’t even get it. All the mechs in 00 were…
Did you even read how it was destroyed?? I never denied it was destory. I just said it was not destory like any of the mech in 00. All the mechs in OO were destoryed in battle due to enemies tech catching up to theirs. The deathshyths(Duo’s mech) was only found by the military and destroy while it was a sitting duck.…
Heero destoryed his mech under orders.
Not at all. The gundams in Gundam wing were never overpower nor nearly beat with tactics at any point. Any Gundum in wing lose due to the error of the pilot. And then they were back to being over power again. Not the same case with 00. They only had half a season to rampage and then that was it. Then everything they…
You need to watch more Gundam shows if you think it’s odd for them to take on an army. It only start out that way because of the tech difference. This is explained in the plot. Even then with proper planning and cooperation the armies of earth almost took them out. And once the rest of the world got similar tech that…
Where the heck have you been? How do you not know they already tried that and it became a hot mess?
Dude, that Gundam was made to counter the tech to make Gundam’s. That like saying the Superman villain Metallo or Batman is are overpowered because they use kryptonite to beat Superman.
Let’s make on understanding the point. It’s about what makes the console stand out over another. The issue with using multyplats for that is the fact it make the system interchangeable. That it makes picking a console no different then picking a random color. This was something picked of from the nes era where…