
Wow..It’s like you can’t plug a controller into a pc for somereason...

So twists are bad?

Nope. it in no way is space vs earth. The earth does not even invade space or visversa. All gundum stories has the furture of humanity in space. And no the gundums in 00 were not overpower especial since half way into the first act they were nearly completly stomped and in the end of the same act everyone was taken

First, only one person knows it was going to happen while the rest was clueless. That was done on perpuse because the creator of the tech want to make sure it did leak out and want to make sure the people who used it could be trusted. They knew from the start the tech they were using would have thing with in it they

Sure part of the foundation is the same, there is alot different. This is not a rebellion from the colonies. The pilot have better support and supporting character and are working together. The have a way better villain to face(till the aliens show up). The mechs are not over powered. it has better themes and tell

You do understand that entire premise of the show is that he predicted that what happen would happen. It was like that from the start.

It’s how it was done that was the issue, not the fact aliens were part of the plot.

What duex ex machina? The series had none that till the movie came. The series is fine on the story point....The movie though...horrible.

Correction. It was a remake of wing but with a better plot ,characters, and story but crashed in the end with the aliens plot. It’s story is really good till that movie. The series could be better but it’s far from bad.

Sure, because the first image I see when I think about grandma’s is this...

“There’s no indication that was after sex. “

The movie was planned before the manga. The manga was only done so a movie could be made.

>_< *Sees them in an after sex moment.

Have you seen what an average Titan looks like?

That does not matter. You do understand they did make past games with a divide of difficult change based on player choice in game before ,right?

It’s clear you don’t get it. It matters not how longer each version is. The issue is that they are needlessly dividing content to make more money. Which is bs. I can understand this with pokemon because there were trying to enforce player interactivity with one another but this is just bs.

Now playing

All of those were cheaply made, and badly plotted. You clearly missed my point.

Not really. 80’s cartoons were more toy ads then shows. 90’s cartoon had plot, depth, care for animation, interesting characters and the respect of their audience.

BS, that just nastagia talking. Today’s cartoon are way better animated then the 80’s. Most 80’s kids cartoon animate like crap...unless it’s a movie. Now 90’s cartoon, those are the master pieces.

If someone told me that Meryl would of end up marrying that guard who pooped himself at the time MGS came out, I would of thought they were smoking something.