The male character in the story and games also get kidnapped and need to be rescued as well.
The male character in the story and games also get kidnapped and need to be rescued as well.
Then why didn’t you make use the men who are kidnapped as points then show a female Disney character that in the story need to be rescued. Sorry, they you’re trying to move the goal post or what you post is really misleading.
How is that poorly written? Added, batman was so taken back bu her so called death that he nearly broke...And then went after Ivy.
By the time the movie comes out, the show will be over.
Wow..This need less change is a very good and interesting needless change. Could dc actually have an understanding in the direction they want to go?
Not even in Infinite crisis Bat man killed people.
That what you get for not reading the manga.
But.....She’s gay.
The wrestling thing is pretty common no matter where you go. Even I’ve done it. The finger poke......that’s the cultural difference there.
Do you know how many original xbox games don’t work well on the 360?
I would not say that. Story wise it was more fine tunes but that’s it.
We’ll you see the more you have sex with her the better it gets.....Her immune system and the sex.
Their’s a story?
...Said the guy incharge of dc comics.
You need to check that up again, the swords and spears are magical.
She took out darkseid’s Eye with one of those things. The last thing I would say is that those weapons are useless.
Bs. The is unrealistic in every way. He should kill when he has no choice but to kill.