if that were the case then the mods would mean nothing to modern games.
You’re jumping off walls and shooting fire balls out you hand while doing mid air combos. That’s more hardcore then brutal doom.
But done right.
Why is anyone even reviewing this piece of crap?
A grey goose walks into a bar and says” I’d like a scotch on the rocks.” The bartender looksat the goose funny, but goes to get him his drink anyway. The bartender continues to look at the goose so the goose asks, “ Hey, what’s your deal? Why do you keep looking at me like that?” The bartender says,”Besides the fact…
That box art is Jojo-licious.
Funny,bears are that op in dai as well.
“Alright, everyone, let’s ride the rollercoaster!!!”
I’m not upset over the graphics. My issue is over the pc setting and the results of the graphics. My pc can run DAI with mostly everything on ultra yet for some reason if falls short of W3’s minimume requirements. Yet DAI looks way better then what we have with W3’s pc release. What’s up I really want to play this…
No one is saying it’s awesome. It just that people are pointing out this is in Ramsey’s character.
This is Ramsey we are talking about. It matters not how he acts before he does horrible thing. He is a sadist pure and simple. He would talk to you nicely about the weather before lopping of your head. The man is all about imposing his power and dominance over other to re assure him self.
Fillies are girl horses.
That’s because the statue is of a Filly.
that woman scares me now...She watches everyone.
Did...did Wolverine just sang to me “Baking Pancakes?”