
More like it’s own game based on this character.

fallout only had it in fallout 3 and new vegas. Everquest is an mmo and not even most mmos have it.

not really. kotor did not allow you to arrange a face. the games of the late 90’s and early 2000’s did not have it at all. (look up any of the pre-morriwind es. and even with Morrowind it just the same face with a different hair cut.)It too a will for face arrangers to get to what we have today.

Not even that. The only rpg that had a face changer in the game from the start was Fall out 3, new vegas and fable. Very few rpgs have it.

and that’s not an issue . It’ only an issue if your forced to use it or your gameplay is extremely hindered if you don’t use it.

it’s not a basic feature. Even in da2 it was an extra.

Yes it does. The state , unless under marshal law, has no right to stop his report. the 1st amendment is a law to protect from censorship from the government.

No...he’s 28 in the first game . look up the time line. He’s 31 in Me3.

105 is considered a teen in asari terms. they have to be 200 years to be considered a full on adult.

Let’s not for get that she cyberstalk them in me1 and 2...

Because of competition over seas. Companies want to make the best quality animation as cheap as possible. Over sea animators work cheaply. Japanese animators have to compete with that. So company who want something animated picking between in state and out state animators would pick animators who work the cheapest if

It’s us damn it. It’s us. The joke is based on built for rpg or strategy games but with evolution

It's super epic meal time.....

It what it's made from that makes it brilliant. Sure you can make a lazer gun with modern tech but it's another thing to do it with tech from the 1800's.

Because they can easily play with what if scenarios.

More like giant area's were you get ganked by Hordes of Bears.

Final Fantasy Tactics.

He'll be back...as a zombie.

No surprise...

What game is that?