0_0......Wow, she's pretty.
You have to play dai to get it. DAO and da2 had auto-loot. You Click and the character walks over and pick it up on it's own. In dai it does not have that. You need to physically move the character over and click the loot with them standing next to it.
1. Ok point taken.
It creates it by just being on.
That's far from over sized. If c -cups are oversize to you then the area you live in has issues.
Ok... we need a live action Mass effect...anything. Heck, a tv show would fix me.
Even then the girl is big enough. And Morrigan's hang down a little. A-cups don't do that.
Morrigan is a b-c cup. Her's are fine.
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Tell unless you want him to wait some more he better pick up his socks. Sticky foot wear is not attractive on a man or woman. :)
From the sound of it he would of waited forever for you. Thank him everyday for it by saying you love him.
Your lucky. Most guys would not say if a girl had that problem. He loved you so much that he waited.
...Oh god....I'm sorry you went through all that. I hope you find peace in this world.