That cursor had no choice, she's practically click baiting...
That cursor had no choice, she's practically click baiting...
"The anonymity of the Internet has proved relatively more menacing to women."
"or the related but only slightly less odious assertion that men will pretend to be trans women just to get into women's restrooms."
I know people are having a fun time here shitting on him, but hey! This is a start! Hopefully he'll follow through with pushing for legislation that actually helps women instead of hurting them!
You can be ranked 7th in the entire world in your chosen sport but first and foremost you are a pretty little object who gets asked to "twirl" around by some guy. Remember ladies, no matter what we do and how much success we get we're still just pretty little breathing objet d'art, both ornamental and worthless apart…
Honestly how is it even debatable that it's sexist? I don't understand. Sure, it's not aggressively sexist and it doesn't seem like the reporter was trying to be a dick, but what about a request for a woman to twirl like a little girl is not completely infantalizing and playing in bullshit stereotypes?
Prolapsed organs are no laughing matter! I suppose unless you're Shrayber.
I had a coworker who chronically overshared her marital woes with me. And so I learned about "the incident."
Her husband had trouble in the erection department and for health reasons couldn't take the usual meds. So they went with a strap on, which she found to be too cold and so decided to microwave it - for FIVE…
I don't understand, why is he boiling them? Am I supposed to be boiling all the various sex sanctioned items? I mean hot water and Dial is fine? Is it not? Is my vagina going to fall out?
I don't understand the pearl clutching about social justice
Sex is an icky, nasty thing that should only happen between an married man and a married woman and should always be punished with pregnancy! It should never happen between two horny individuals and definitely not in the back seat of a Datsun B210 that may or may not have dents and bondo, in the parking lot of a…
If teenagers insist on having sex, let's make sure they feel guilty and ashamed and have issues (or unwanted children) which will ruin sex for them forever. That'll learn 'em!
Disgree. I've worked customer service before and I can tell you that these jokes are harassing at worst and annoying at best. Anything that's "sexual" just gets tiring and weird.
Ugh guys, I work at an answering service that does messaging and scheduling for dentists offices all over the country and just yesterday I got my weirdest call to date. Male caller, slight accent that I couldn't pin. Calls and doesn't seem to realize he's calling a dentist office. After some confusion, he then tells…
IDK, I mean, I'm not a woman but if I were just riding the subway by myself and some guy physically assaulted me because he found me attractive, I'd be flattered. I dunno why women gotta make such a big deal about a guy thinking they're pretty and then violently attacking them for it. It's a compliment, ladies!
Between this horrible shit, the fact that 60 percent of the population seems to think it doesn't exist, and the official declaration that killing of unarmed black men is completely fucking legal if the murderer is white...this country is FUBAR.