only bang a guy with a downstairs bathroom.
only bang a guy with a downstairs bathroom.
The small version of that photo looks like an Eminem action figure.
I'm uncomfortable with it.
Sometimes it does and you get bad bruises from the boning in the corset. You can mess up your back as well if you lace it improperly.
I'm assuming it hurts a hell of a lot. But fetishes tend to bypass pain.
"Maturing is realizing how many things don't require your comment."
"Maturing" is realizing how many things don't require your comment.
God, he's such a Baldwin.
Yeah, vomiting during a blowjob is no bueno. Though I've found...I mean, my friend has found that the more you, um, practice, the easier it gets to overcome said gag reflex.
1. There was an adult store in my town and the day I turned 18, my male best friend, my mom and I went together. I was very sad that an Adult Arcade didn't have any games, but I was thrilled with the Wall of Shame that was covered in Polaroids of people who had been caught shoplifting holding the item they were caught…
It can be hard to get free condoms in many parts of the US since we are Puritans.
My father was a pastor. He also did not speak English as his first language (though he did speak fluent, unaccented English) and occasionally would slip up a bit. Once, he was preaching a sermon on the story of Abraham making a covenant with God, which involves God appearing as a flaming brazier. My father pronounced…
Well, I'm very sorry to hear about this, and I weep for the state of youth today...but does Deep Throat work any better than Chloraseptic? Asking for a friend.
If you could quarantine against stupid, New Jersey would be without a governor.
Kate Walsh's new NBC series has recently come under fire for its lumbering and very off-the-mark depiction of a…
OH MY GOD. This guy is irritating me so much.