
And her stints on Drunk History are AWESOME.

She is a super babe. This doesn't surprise me given the amount of talent from both of her parents.

I know whenever I get pregnant accidentally, I head to the Alamo to think things through.

My entire point is that she is more than that, and that people like you refuse to accept it.

I'm exceedingly pleased when a woman working in what is considered a taboo profession comes out as smart and self-aware (on top of being surreally gorgeous). It sets on fire the heads of people/men who expect women to be one thing only.

If Terry Crews can be famous for it, why not her?

A+++ on the art, Jim.

A lot of my hipster douche friends that eat organic/ healthy go on and on about how unhealthy soda is, sometimes when they're smoking or drinking heavily.

Pepsi drinkers are terrible people with terrible tastes.

Coke Zero taste like ass. I'm perfectly happy drinking regular Coke. And all you Pepsi people are disgusting.

"I think hopefully with the success of movies like The Hangover and all of the Tyler Perry pieces that now will be the time for men in comedy."

"No, they're not," Slate replied assuredly. "I don't think men have time to be funny because they have to make all of our rules about what we can do with our vaginas."

I was watching a cosmetic surgery show once , the woman was getting liposuction, skin removal and breast implants all at the same time and they had her whole torso cut open. Nipple sliced half off for implantation. And they blurred the half sliced off nipple. mutilated body ok, but don't show that nipple

Ohhhhhh. I just thought she didn't have nipples anymore.

It took me a couple seconds to figure out what was going on in the second photo, till I realized they blurred the woman's nipples. Which, on a show like this, is really the most hilarious thing of all. #irony.

Related note: I am almost finished with my rewatching of SATC (started with Season 2 because the first two season was SO bad) and while it's still fun to watch, man has that show aged poorly. I know I was in college when it was popular, but I don't remember it being quite so punny.

She's toeing the line eh?

When I saw "Truly Great Customers" in true Kitchenette style I was expecting to hear tales of the truly depraved... however what I got was 4 heartwarming tales of human decency.

After reading cover letters and resumes from complete idiots, today's BCO has restored my faith in humanity. Thanks, Trout!